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Basic foilset Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University on May 21-22 99. Foils prepared June 5 99
Outside Index Summary of Material

http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/compscisc98/ and
http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/internetics/, "Internetics: Technologies, Applications and Academic Fields" Invited Chapter in Book :Feynman and Computation", edited by A.J.G. Hey, Perseus Books (1999)
We will discuss a broad definition of computational science to be the interdisciplinary area between computer science and all application areas.
We suggest traditionally that simulation has been focus of computational science but that today there is more student interest in information based applications and that these benefit from an interdisciplinary approach similar to simulation areas.
We discuss implications for physics education and
Use of distance education to teach such new curricula

Table of Contents for full HTML of Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics

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1 Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Internetics
2 Abstract of John Rice Presentation
3 Traditional Computational Science
4 Conventional Computational Science
5 Information Track of Computational Science
6 Beginnings of Internetics
7 Information Track of Computational Science
8 Detailed Course Contents
9 What is Internetics ?
10 Internetics and Computational Science
11 Synergy of Parallel Computing and The Grid Internetics as Unifying Principle
12 Proposed Internetics Core Curriculum
13 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: K-12
14 Sample 1999 Java Academy Certificate
15 Internetics and Physics I
16 Internetics and Physics II
17 PHY 300, Internetics and Communicating Science
18 Good Ideas? Failed Implementation?
19 Outside Interest in Courses
20 Courses at Jackson State
21 Why use Distance Education?
22 Traditional Model of Instruction
23 Better Model of Instruction
24 New Enterprise Models for Universities?
25 Role of Collaborative Objects in Education
26 Universal Shared Object Strategy
27 Architecture of Tango Distance Education
28 Where are we?

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 1 Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Internetics

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
Full HTML Index
International Symposium on Computational Sciences
John R. Rice 65th Birthday
Purdue University May 21 99
Geoffrey Fox
Syracuse University NPAC
111 College Place Syracuse NY 13244 4100

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 2 Abstract of John Rice Presentation

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
Full HTML Index
http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/compscisc98/ and
http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/internetics/, "Internetics: Technologies, Applications and Academic Fields" Invited Chapter in Book :Feynman and Computation", edited by A.J.G. Hey, Perseus Books (1999)
We will discuss a broad definition of computational science to be the interdisciplinary area between computer science and all application areas.
We suggest traditionally that simulation has been focus of computational science but that today there is more student interest in information based applications and that these benefit from an interdisciplinary approach similar to simulation areas.
We discuss implications for physics education and
Use of distance education to teach such new curricula

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 3 Traditional Computational Science

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Foil 4 Conventional Computational Science

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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At Syracuse built around a two course sequence and associated application, computer science and math courses
CPS615: Introduction to Computational Science
  • Technology and its projection, Computer Architecture, Application Motivation, Performance Analysis, Programming Models, MPI, (F90, HPF), (Java for Science)
  • and practical algorithms such as: particle dynamics, PDE's with CFD as example, Random numbers, Monte Carlo
CPS713: Case Studies in Computational Science
  • Detailed studies of 3 areas such as Numerical Relativity, Optimization, Computer Graphics, Condensed Matter, Experimental Physics Data analysis
These form 2 course certificate in simulation track of computational science

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 5 Information Track of Computational Science

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 6 Beginnings of Internetics

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Spring 1995 --- first course .... (taken by Nikos Chrisochoides's wife so she could get a job and he could leave Syracuse)
Spring, 1996 --- Undergraduate course offered from Syracuse University to Harbin Institute of Technology in China by Xiaoming Li and Fox
Material translated into Chinese by Harbin
Spring, 1998 --- A graduate course in Peking University by Prof. Xiaoming Li
Increasing set of courses and student interest at Syracuse University ......

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 7 Information Track of Computational Science

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Grew at Syracuse into 4 Core Courses offered as a certificate now called Internetics
  • earlier version (1997) "Internet Applications Development" offered over summer to local industry added introduction to object oriented programming and subset of courses below
  • http://www.webwisdom.org
CPS406(undergraduate)/606(graduate) Introduction to Web Technologies
CPS616 Core Web and Distributed Object Technologies
CPS640 Internet Infrastructure
CPS714 Advanced Topics and Case Studies in Internetics

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 8 Detailed Course Contents

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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CPS406/606: CGI, Java, Introduction to CORBA/RMI/JDBC
CPS616: More on CORBA/RMI/JDBC; Database discussion as necessary; Advanced Java (Servlets, Javabeans, Enterprise Javabeans, Frameworks); Security; Introduction to XML; JavaScript and Dynamic HTML; in the past VRML
CPS640: Network and Internet Service Architecture; Quality of Service; Multimedia Servers; Compression technology
CPS714: Whatever is important this semester done as a projects course; XML (for scientific information and to build PSE's); Latest W3C Initiatives; Distributed Computing using CORBA/Web; Java Grande; Advanced Security; Collaboration; Electronic Commerce; High performance Web Servers

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 9 What is Internetics ?

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Emerging field centered on technologies services and applications enabling and enabled by world wide communication and computing grids
The contents come from Computer Communication and Information science fields but with an applied flavor so forms critical knowledge needed by many application fields such as scientific computing, telemedicine, electronic commerce, digital journalism and education
Students with an interdisciplinary background will be encouraged
The applied focus with many totally new and rapidly evolving technologies makes Internetics unique

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 10 Internetics and Computational Science

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
Full HTML Index
Computational Science is Interdisciplinary field in between Computer Science and "large scale Scientific and Engineering simulation-based" applications
  • Academic fields: Aerospace engineering, physics etc.
Internetics is Interdisciplinary field between CS and Both Simulation and Information-based applications
  • Bioinformatics, Public Communication ...
  • As information applications dominate commercial world, internetics has an information flavor (analysis of physics data is an "information" application; QCD Monte Carlo is a simulation application)
Enrollment in Classic Computational Science at Syracuse has dropped from 50 to 10; enrollment in Internetics has risen from 6 to 100 (95-98)
Current Internetics Curriculum starts with High School Java Academy;undergraduate and graduate programs, through the four course continuing education certificate

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 11 Synergy of Parallel Computing and The Grid Internetics as Unifying Principle

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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The two forms of Large Scale Computing Scale Computer for Scale Users in Proportion Power User to number of computers
Parallel Distributed Information Systems Computers Computational Grids
<--------------- Internetics Technologies --------------->
1% market
99% of market

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 12 Proposed Internetics Core Curriculum

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Developed at K-12, Undergraduate and Graduate level by Li and Fox and some of this material developed and offered at Syracuse and Peking.
Proposed collaboration to offer between universities in USA China and England fall 99 failed due to conflicts in semester timing and natural "size" of course
Graduate level similar to Syracuse courses
Note here K-12 offering

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 13 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: K-12

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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K-12 is in practice Middle and High School Students
These 2 courses must be passed to obtain Certificate
  • Introduction to the Web (Not offered by NPAC)
  • Introduction to Programming using Java (assumes no programming experience)
Latter implemented as NPAC's Java Academy at http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/k12javaspring98/ while
the 1999 version was offered using TangoInteractive to students at Boston, Houston, Starkville and Syracuse http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/k12javaspring99/

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 14 Sample 1999 Java Academy Certificate

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 15 Internetics and Physics I

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Physics departments may disappear in many Universities as the number of majors is dropping at both undergraduate and graduate level.
How do we rescue physics with revised curricula?
Classical Computational Science appears not to be a complete answer but Internetics offers some interesting attractive academic programs combining computing and the "technical sciences"
  • IT minor with a basic physics/engineering education
  • Engineering/physics/math methods minor within an IT education
Physics is in many ways a BETTER educational background than computer science to today's major computer science challenge -- designing and building distributed systems
  • We can quite easily train people to program in Java but it is not so easy to design what should be programmed and how it fits together
  • Physics trains students to look at systems from a fundamental point of view and to analyze quantitatively

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 16 Internetics and Physics II

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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A combination of Physics and a minor in Internetics is an interesting background for many areas such as:
  • Systems Engineer designing global information systems
  • Experimental physicist designing new data analysis systems
  • K-12 science teacher
Further comparing "books" with the Web, we see that the Web offers opportunities for "technical people" as well as those with good "communication skills" (of a traditional kind)
  • Java applets combined with numerical algorithms or physics experimental instrument connected to Web may sometimes be more effective than streams of beautiful English words and nifty drawings
This implies a "Computational Science/Internetics" minor including base information technology and optional elective in "science communication" prepared by physics/engineering
  • At Syracuse, attractive as Newhouse School of Communications gets excellent students

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 17 PHY 300, Internetics and Communicating Science

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Phy 300 is a special course exploring the new opportunities presented by the Internet for communicating science and quantitative ideas to laymen as well as to technically trained people.
The course is designed for students with interests bridging science and communications: prospective science, journalism, and education majors.
It offers an introduction to the tools required to communicate using the internet, as well as case studies of successful and unsuccessful approaches to communicating science with this new medium.
Students should be co-enrolled or have previously completed a calculus course, MAT 285 or MAT 295
Syracuse Fall 99 taught by G. Fox

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Foil 18 Good Ideas? Failed Implementation?

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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So we have a smattering of reasonable courses but not enough faculty and students to implement in a sustainable fashion
Even in Information track where there is enough students, there are not enough faculty to
  • Deliver enough classes -- there is just me ....
  • Keep courses up to date
In simulation track, there are not enough students to allow university to offer
  • For instance, CPS615 only available to Syracuse Students in fall 98 as offered to Jackson State
Solution is distance education ?

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 19 Outside Interest in Courses

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Course Web material gets 100,000 page hits every month -- majority from .com clients (this removes spiders/robots)
Courses have been given several times over the Web using synchronous or asynchronous technologies
CDROM's have been made available
  • Original Chinese translation of base CPS615/606
  • 1 and now 2 platter version of CPS615 -- includes 2 books, HPF,MPI standards etc.
  • Preparing CPS616 CDROM
Java Academy given over the Web this semester to four K-12 clusters
CPS606 CPS615 and CPS616 given to JSU (Jackson State University), Mississippi State, Clark Atlanta, DoD Lab at Vicksburg
  • JSU now teaching 606 themselves

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 20 Courses at Jackson State

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Taught using Tango since fall 97 over Internet and defense high performance network DREN twice a week from Syracuse
  • Course material based on Syracuse Senior Undergraduate class CPS406(Web Technologies) and graduate classes CPS615/616(Base Computational science/Internetics)
  • Curricula, Homework, Grading, Facilities done by Syracuse
  • Students get JSU NOT Syracuse Credit
Jackson State major HBC University with many computer science graduates
Do not compete with base courses but offer addon courses with "leading edge" material (Web Technology, modern scientific computing) which give JSU (under)graduates skills that are important in their career
  • Job fair employers liked Java Programming!
Needs guaranteed 30 (audio) to 100 (video) kilobits per second bandwidth
  • Use a proxy server or mirror site
  • Actually get around one megabit/sec Syracuse to Jackson State

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 21 Why use Distance Education?

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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New and rapidly changing Academic Curriculum suggest the use of distance education as it will allow a few experts to deliver instruction to more students and this
  • addresses shortage of trained faculty
  • cost of developing new curriculum QUICKLY requires many students (say around 5-10 times traditional class) to amortize cost
Distance Education is technically sound based on web curricula-- both synchronously and asynchronously -- today with very robust clear implementations available over next 2 years
Both delivery mechanism and identification of knowledge nuggets (such as Internetics or computational science) that are smaller than a traditional degree suggests different approaches to certification
  • Courses are given, graded etc. by multiple organizations -- University integrate degrees?

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Foil 22 Traditional Model of Instruction

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Common Shared Books and Such Resources
Done separately for each class at each university

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Foil 23 Better Model of Instruction

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Professor at AVU
(AnyTown Virtual University)
with team of authoring specialists
(dominant clientele)
Common Shared Books Web based Lecture Material
and Similar Resources
Institutions focussing on particular disciplines, teach a given class
to Students from Universities which provide beds and mentors
Possible local Students
Classes are
given by
to students
the state

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 24 New Enterprise Models for Universities?

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Distance Education is technically sound -- both synchronously and asynchronously -- today with very robust clear implementations available over next 2 years
Separate teaching mentoring and dormitory role of University
Teaching and grading naturally performed by centers of excellence which need at least an order of magnitude more customers than a single faculty in order to be able to justify investment in course preparation and maintenance
Continuing Education of growing importance and natural area to attack first -- corporate training is serious competition here and commercial deliverers have advantage?
Not obvious that will save large amounts of money as students will need more not less mentoring in today's information-overrich world -- quality of educational experience will become more uniform and better

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 25 Role of Collaborative Objects in Education

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Learning is an example of an activity which can be thought of in terms of objects (digital audio streams when you talk, books, homework, science fair exhibits) worked on alone or together -- either between students or students and teacher
  • digital "togetherness" is supported by collaboration technology
Collaboration can be synchronous as when individuals talk to each other
  • Objects or object properties are shared at same time
Or asynchronous when sharing is done at different times
I post a web page and you look at it later is a basic asynchronous sharing model while writing on a blackboard is hallowed synchronous model in teaching
All objects can be thought of as web pages as these are rendering of a server side object
  • e.g. web page form elements specify data base access or CGI Script

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 26 Universal Shared Object Strategy

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Assume teachers, students, engineers, shoppers, salespersons, families teach, learn, collaborate, buy, sell, socialize via electronic versions of traditional human interactions combined with shared objects expressed in XML and rendered as web pages
  • Most sharing is asynchronous and one usually wishes to share synchronously same material that one accesses asynchronously
  • objects can be (electronic) text books, aircraft designs and simulations, expensive jewelry or photos of grandchildren
Only shared event model (used in Tango) of sharing (collaboration) is capable of necessary efficiency and customization to each user

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Foil 27 Architecture of Tango Distance Education

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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NPAC Web Server
JSU Web Server
Java Tango Server
Share URL's
Audio Video
Conferencing Chat Rooms
White Boards etc.
Address at JSU of Curriculum Page
Teacher's View of Curriculum Page
Student's View of Curriculum Page
Participants at JSU
Teacher/Lecturer at NPAC
Java Sockets
Java Control Clients
All Curricula placed on the Web

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared June 5 99

Foil 28 Where are we?

From Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics International Symposium on Computational Sciences - John R. Rice 65th Birthday Purdue University -- May 21-22 99. *
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Syracuse has a few good courses and some pretty good students
  • Courses are incomplete .....
Nationally there is a complete set of excellent courses but most universities cannot offer rich program
Technology for distance education is proven and improving in robustness and functionality
Networks are increasing in bandwidth ...
...... So we can implement computational science/internetics using distance education
This will lead to much better learning environments and total happiness for students ........
There is one minor problem! Most Existing Universities and K-12 Establishments (Unions ..)will oppose this
They will accept my courses if given as Syracuse University but not if done through www.webwisdom.org

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, npac@npac.syr.edu

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