Basic HTML version of Foils prepared
Dec. 6 98
Foil 7 Network Management (5)
Introduction to Network Management Lectures at Xi'an Jaotong University --
Sept 1998
Roman Markowski
Software management and monitoring systems:
Spectrum - Cabletron; NetView 6000 - IBM
OpenView - HP; SunNet Manager - Sun
Polycenter - Digital; NMS - Novell; ForeView - FORE
Other software tools:
fddivis, smtinfo, smtring, smtstat, smtconfig
atmstat, atmarp, asxmon, nttcp
ping, traceroute, traffic, etherfind, spray
netstat, nfsstat, xmeter, sysmeter, osview, top
Hardware monitoring tools allow for traffic measurements, protocol analysis, nodes activity monitoring (examples: Fluke, Microtest)
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
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