Basic HTML version of Foils prepared
Dec. 6 98
Foil 38 DECnet (4)
Introduction to Network Protocols Lectures at Xi'an Jaotong University --
Sept 1998
Roman Markowski
Addressing: addresses are not associated with the physical networks to which nodes are connected
address: area.node (= 16 bits)
area = 1-63
node = 1-1023
~65,000 nodes can be attached to DECnet network
if a node has a few network interfaces, it uses the same area.node address for each interface
address conversion:
12.75 = 12363 (base 10) = 304B (base 16)
appended to the standard DECnet MAC address AA00.0400 after byte swapped : AA00.0400.4B30
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
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