Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 99

Foil 30 SPW and Portals

From Tango Futures: XML for Web-based Collaboration and Distance Education SURA Meeting Birmingham Alabama -- September 8 1999. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 There is a lot of interest in portals these days
2 We build Web-based computing environments which are portals to Supercomputers and Web-based education or portals to a virtual university
3 Merrill Lynch predicts that Enterprise Information portal market will be $15B by 2002
4 Portals are built (by us) as a customizable set of XML components ( e.g. Run a Particular Program or display thumbnail of the next web-page in lecture)
5 SPW's can be thought of as customizable collaborative portals which define both synchronous and asynchronous shared components

in Table To:

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