Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 99

Foil 46 Where are we today?

From Tango Futures: XML for Web-based Collaboration and Distance Education SURA Meeting Birmingham Alabama -- September 8 1999. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Current Web-based Curriculum are rarely based on XML
  • PowerPoint
  • WebCT
  • Blackboard
  • We have an unknown system WebWisdom based on XML
2 Largest concern of (some) universities is the 80% of the faculty, who have little or no web expertise
  • There is another group of zealots who would be happy to litter their pages with Java applets
3 Note advantage of XML and DOM is that seems relatively clear how to make collaborative with universal access
4 Javabeans allow Java applets to be made collaborative but there is no separation between presentation and object layers

in Table To:

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