Basic HTML version of Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 15 Getting Started with Tango II

From User View of Tango Features with tutorial Tango Tutorial at SC98 Orlando -- November 8 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

After understanding which Server you will use, Tango must be installed on your machine. This involves installing a Netscape plug-in and also a C++ audio-video conferencing system Buena Vista
Then each time you wish to load Tango, one must download the "control application" (CA)which is a Java Applet.
  • This involves selecting a particular Web Server and clients setup with different Web Servers can collaborate using the same Java Server
  • Each downloaded client has a (possibly different) configuration file specifying where each Tango application is to be loaded from. This allows one to use mirror sites to improve performance
  • In simplest case, everybody chooses the same Web Server
Collaboration involves two or more clients sharing information and this covers both the teacher-students interaction in education; commander-firefighters interaction in a crisis; and the linkage of researchers in a distributed scientific collaboratory.

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