Basic HTML version of Foils prepared November 5 98

Foil 11 WebWisdom NT 2.1 features (2)

From WebWisdomNT Curricula Database and Management System NPAC Tutorial on Tango/WebWisdomNT, Visit to ASC -- October 26 98, October 29 98. by Marek Podgorny,Chris Walczak, Jarek Rykowski,Geoffrey C. Fox

Provides consistent, uniform presentation storage, regardless of the presentation type and structure
Supports concurrent access to the repository and multi-user authoring
Stores presentation meta-data defined according to industrial standards
Support storage of additional information for presentations: add-ons (lists of URLs), notes, digital audio, and digital video

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Sat Nov 28 1998