Synopsis for 5 Fields Learning

Wenzhong Cao

     I introduce six web sites I favorite for the five fields, which are

XML, Java, JavaScript, CORBA and Wireless devices. These fields are

talked by our professor for course Information Technology. Although there

are many sites for each field, I feel the six linked URL's here best in

detail and contents. Following paragraphs show briefly what I have learned




    What is XML?

    It is the eXtensible markup language, a specification for structured

documents produced by the World Wide Web Consortium. If we are familiar

with SGML, then XML is SGML-lite, a clean-up version of the ISO standard

for describing interchange formats. A guide to XML reported by Norman Walsh is at

    Elements are the most common form of markup. Delimited by angle brackets

(< >), most elements identify the nature of the content they surround.

Some elements may be empty, as seen above, in which case they have no

content. If an element is not empty, it begins with a start-tag,

<element>, and ends with an end-tag, </element>. For example, we make an

element <director>Ed Wood</director>. This element name "director"

allows us to mark up the value "Ed Wood" semantically, so we can

differentiate that particular bit of data from another, similar bit of

data. For example, there might be another element with the value "Ed


    Attributes are name-value pairs that occur inside tags after the element

name. For example, <div class="preface"> is the div element with the

attribute class having the value preface. In XML, all attribute values

must be quoted.

    This guide provides a technical introduction to XML with an eye towards

guiding the reader to appropriate sections of the XML specification when

greater technical detail is desired. To read this guide report, you had

better have knowledge in HTML for This it is geared towards a

reader with some HTML or SGML experience, although that experience is not

absolutely necessary. The XML Link and XML Style specifications are also

briefly outlined.

    To get started with XML programming, we can also read another general

staring guide at

There are three part in that article. In Parts I and II of that article,

we will be been moving from the traditional text processing model for

accessing XML documents through progressively higher abstractions. A next

logical step from Part III would be query languages.


II. Java

    To get started to learn Java, we can read instruction at

It tells us the basic structure for Java program code. To learn Java language through,

we can read contents at

From there, we can be clear on its language basics, object basics,

classes with inheritance, interface and package.


III. Wireless

    It is possible that our next computer probably won't be a computer. It'll

be a phone, an organizer, or a pager. You'll use it for communications: to

read e-mail on the go, to find the nearest gas station, to check your bank

balance, to buy groceries. And it will connect to the Internet wirelessly.

You can visit web page at

to view a talk about this.

    This wireless computer may be most interesting for us, right?



    CORBA is on my first knowing now. It is the acronym for Common Object

Request Broker Architecture, OMG's open, vendor-independent architecture

and infrastructure that computer applications use to work together over

networks. Using the standard protocol IIOP, a CORBA-based program from any

vendor, on almost any computer, operating system, programming language,

and network, can interoperate with a CORBA-based program from the same or

another vendor, on almost any other computer, operating system,

programming language, and network.

    If some one want to get familiar with CORBA, the suggestion I give for

suitable interface is at


V. JavaScript

    Script is generally a part of HTML program, especially for DHTML. It

can declare and define variables for interfaces. There are several

different kind of scripts for HTML program, like VB script, CGI script,

etc. JavaScript is contained within an HTML document. For example:



    <TITLE>My First JavaScript Program</TITLE>


    document.write('My First JavaScript Program');





When you save this, remember to save it with an .htm or .html extension.

For JavaScript instruction in more detail, please visit

There are (1). variables and operators explained,

        (2). object properties and flow controls,

and      (3). functions and classes


VI. Summary

    The above 6 linked web URL's are my favorite sites for the new and

the learned fields in XML, Java, JavaScript, CORBA and Wireless devices.

Actually, there are always more than one web sites for any one field. The

main reason I like the above related web sites is that they give detail

and full important contents about each one.