Sonia Kovalevsky Festival
October 23, 1999
Mathematical Pictures
in the programming language Java
using Pascal's Triangle
The goal of today's class is to complete a computer program written in Java to draw
pictures showing Pascal's triangle. We will show
- how math is used in coloring Pascal's triangle mod N to reveal patterns and
- how basic computer programming concepts and graphics programming concepts
involve math.
The class:
Additional Explorations:
- For more exploration with the mathematics of Pascal's triangle, go to the Math Forum
link listed above.
- For more exploration of fractals and the relationship between Pascal's triangle
and the Sierpinski triangles fractal, see
Fractals, a collection of fractal lessons by Cynthia Lanius, including
Why study fractals anyway?
- For more work with Java applets, go to this set of guided Java exercises at the
Saturday Java Academy
by Nancy McCracken. Note that this will require you to download some (free) software.
Please send any questions or comments to
Nancy McCracken at
This page is found at