Table of Contents
Java Security Model and Signing CodeSpring 99
Java Security Model
The Java Security Model
Sandbox mechanism
What can applets do - I?
What can applets do - II?
What can applets do - III?
The Byte Code Verifier
Byte Code Verification
Why is type checking important!
Applet Class Loader
Going beyond the Sandbox: History of Java Security Models
Going beyond the Sandbox-2
Going beyond the Sandbox-3
JDK 1.2 Security Model
JAVA Fine-grained Access Control-1
JAVA Fine-grained Access Control-2
JAVA Fine-grained Access Control-3
JAVA Fine-grained Access Control-4
JAVA Fine-grained Access Control-5
JAVA Fine-grained Access Control-6
JAVA Fine-grained Access Control-7
Java Security-Related Tools
How to sign Java Code
Signing Classes with the Netscape Object Signing Tool
Netscape Object Signing Tool -2
Netscape Object Signing Tool -3
Signing Java Applets with Microsoft's Authenticode
Microsoft's Authenticode 2
Signing Code with Sun's JDK 1.1.x
Signing Code with Sun's JDK 1.1.x-2
Signing Code with Sun's JDK 1.1.x-3
Browsing Signed Applets
The Java Authentication Framework
The Java Authentication Framework-2
Signing Code with Sun's Java 2
Signing Code with Sun's Java 2-II
Signing Code with Sun's Java 2-III
Signing Code with Sun's Java 2-IV
Some Comparisons of Sign Tools
Some Comparisons of Sign Tools - 2
JavaScript Security Model
JavaScript Security Issues
Same Origin Policy
Signed Script Policy-1
Signed Script Policy-2
Signed Script Policy-3
Codebase Principals-1
Codebase Principals-2
Scripts Signed by Different Principals
Principals of Windows and Layers
Determining Container Principals
Identifying Signed Scripts
Using Expanded Privileges
Importing and Exporting Functions
Weaknesses in the JavaScript Model
Signing Scripts
Signing Scripts-2
Signing Scripts-3
Signing Scripts-4