Table of Contents
An Introduction to XML
Overview of HTML
Beyond HTML
What is XML?
Logical vs. Visual Design
What is SGML?
SGML Example
SGML Example (cont’d)
XML is SGML Lite
XML Design Goals
Origins of XML
“Hello World!” in XML
XML Language Elements
Document Type Definition
XML must be “well-formed”
XML Example
XML Example (cont’d)
XML Example (cont’d)
XML Example (cont’d)
XML tag structure
XML tag details
Syntactic details
Document Type Definition
Document Type Definition
DTD definitions
Document Type Definition
Document Type Definition
Element Declarations
Element Declarations
Element Declarations
Attribute Types
XML Example - the DTD
XML Example - the XML document
Additional XML/DTD Topics
Extensible Style Language
Document Formatting (XSL)
Document Formatting (XSL)
XSL Processing Overview
Document Formatting (XSL)
Extensible Link Language
Uses of XML
Software Tools