Applications (5 Chapters) This section of the book contains 5 chapters. Appl1 is a general discussion; Appl2 is a set of about 20 short case studies and Appl3, Appl4 and Appl5 are three long case studies. One goal is that a reader should be able to take their favorite application and find a "near- match" somewhere in the five chapters and so be ready to start parallel computing! Appl1: General Application Issues (20 Pages) The first application chapter contains an introduction to the other four followed by a discussion of general strategies that have been found helpful in parallelizing applications. We will describe an application as a general set of linked entities (a.k.a. a complex system) and initially contrast artificial systems such as financial instruments with physical simulations. In latter case, we contrast microscopic or macroscopic entities and discuss how the different states of matter (fields, classical particle or quantum mechanical) lead to different numerical challenges. We note that some characteristics, such as multiple physical scales and phase transitions are pervasive. We describe broad issues in applications and algorithms including Partial Differential Equations, Particle Dynamics, Circuits, Ordinary Differential Equations, Monte Carlo, Domain Decomposition, Pleasingly Parallel, Metaproblems, heuristic algorithms, data analysis, preconditioning, synchronous, loosely synchronous, regular and irregular. (This list is very mixed up of course -- it will be added to and organized). We discuss differences between illustrative and real applications by contrasting Laplace's equation with Navier Stokes and complex physics in climate simulations. We will try to discuss typical problem sizes and why tera- and peta-(fl)op machines are relevant. Typical issues governing performance are discussed. Maybe we can philosophize as to whether computational science is a science or an art by illustrating how much experimentation is needed to find reliable numerical methods and how different approaches are in seemingly similar Application areas. These general remarks should tie to discussion in following four chapters which will be summarized in a suitable set of tables. The discussion of basic numerical methods (PDE, ODE, Monte Carlo etc.) could go to Num. Alg. Chapter Appl2: List of Application Overviews: (about 1.5 to 2 pages each -- Total about 40 pages) 1. Black holes (Matzner, Fox) - start 2. Astrophysics (Salmon) - start 3. Earthquakes – Rundle,Fox - start 4. Climate – (LANL White, Malone) - start 5. Comp. Chemistry – (Kuppermann, Goddard, McKoy, PNL) - start 6. QCD (Geoffrey, Rajan, Ceperley) - start 7. Accelerators (Ryne – LANL) 8. Plasma Physics (Reynders) - start 9. MDO (Geoffrey) 10. Financial modeling (Geoffrey) 11. Weather (CAPS, NASA) 12. Comp. Biology – Keck Center, Rice - start 13. Astronomy – T. Prince 14. Scheduling (Bixby) - start 15. Materials (Holian, Lomdahl, Goddard) 16. Combustion (Butler, LANL – Colella) 17. Networks (LANL) 18. Structural, solid mechanics – (DOD, Ortiz) 19. Forces modeling – (GCF, CACR) 20. CFD (Dan, Herb) - start 21. Energy and environment (Mary Wheeler) – start 22. Computational Electromagnetics (DoD Modernization) 23. Signal Processing (DoD Modernization) 24. Electrical Transmission Lines (Geoffrey) Designation as "Start" implies that one starts with this subset to give exemplars that can used to show others how to do their field Note some of those areas are quite broad and could generate several distinct summaries. For instance, Chemistry could generate separate overviews corresponding to applications typified by Charmm, Gaussian and Mopack Template for each application overview 1. Application overview and summary – field discussion 2. Focused case study – what was parallelized, technology discussion and results 3. References and resources 4. Computational issues including algorithms, software and comments on performance needs and hardware dependencies 5. What has been done and what needs to be done Appl3: Parallel computing in CFD - special to CRPC – (DIM, HBK) (20 pages) Intro – context for CFD – impact of CFD on industry Incompressible CFD, Homotopy, Compressible CFD Specific mention of AMR Appl4: Parallel computing in Environment and Energy – Mary Wheeler (20 Pages) Intro – impact Specific mention of domain decomposition - multigrid Appl5: Computational Astrophysics – John Salmon (20 Pages) Specific mention of multipole techniques Describe Beowulf and why this can be used here and in other applications Resource requirements Assign resource group Decide if one should videotape authors (can use NPAC LecCorder System) Collect technical CRPC papers, presentations Collect Base documents such as MPI and HPF specification Collect software such as MPI and HPJava Glossary Bibliography