Review of Mou-Sadowsky Book 1) I believe that this book potentially fills a need and could be well done. As is obvious the proposal is not very detailed and one cannot be very precise in such evaluations. Its interesting feature is the practical (or engineering) approach, which is comparatively unusual. Usually a more abstract or formal style is adopted. I would personally find the proposed approach attractive. 2) The organization seems sound but it is very difficult to judge content as many important details are unsaid. The systematic use of Java is a reasonable choice but it is not clear how the authors will address the comparitive paucity of quality algorithms implemented in Java. I note the area of numeric algorithms (such as special functions and matrices) is subject of much work as there are difficulties in achieving effcient implementations. It is not obvious how much attention this area will get the book. I can recommend the work of the NIST and Visual Numerics groups to the authors. This field also emphasizes another difficulty with the choice of Java. Currently the computer science community is debating appropriate standard classes (for things like differential operators, arrays, matrices and complex numbers). The authors run the danger of making choices that are obsoleted. Perhaps more important is the issue of parallelism which appears to be a feature of book. Java has a natural thread parallelism but my guess is that they would also address distributed memory architectures. Such details appear important but are not discussed in this brief proposal. I should also note that I view the cited system Divacon as interesting but rather idiosynchratic (specialized) for inclusion in such a book. 3) I believe that the authors are well qualified to write this book. I am familiar with Mou's work which is of high quality. 4) I think such a book could be used effectively in many core computer science courses. Its enginering flavor is its strength and weakness in this regard. There are not so many books of this style but also many computer science faculty would prefer to teach the more conventional formal approach. 5) I would support investigating publication seriously but I suggest that the authors think through the details first.