LearningSpace K-12 *1* k12java99 Virtual University Undergraduate *2* Internetics 95-96 ecs400-96 Internetics 96-97 ecs400-fall96 ecs400-spring97 Internetics 97-98 jsufall97 jsuspring98 Internetics 98-99 cps606fall98 Virtual University Graduate *2* Internetics 94-95 cps616-95 Computational Science 95-96 cps615-95 cps713-96 Internetics 95-96 cps616-96 cps714-96 Computational Science 96-97 cps615-96 Internetics 96-97 cps606-96 cps616-97 cps640-97 Computational Science 97-98 cps615fall97 Internetics 97-98 cps640-98 cps616-98 cps606spring98 cps714fall97 Computational Science 98-99 cps615cdrom2 Internetics 98-99 cps606fall98 cps616-99 cps714-99 Training and LifeLong Learning 94-95 *2* tutorialmpp tutorialweb Training and LifeLong Learning 95-96 *2* tutorialsc95 tutorialspecial Training and LifeLong Learning 96-97 *2* tutorialsc96 cewesjuly97 webcert97 Training and LifeLong Learning 97-98 *2* mrajune98 cewesmay98 alliance98 tangotraindec97 arlimtdec97 arldatabase Training and LifeLong Learning 98-99 *2* navotutorial duluth ResearchLaboratory Programs Education Curricula educationcompsci educationundergraduate education duluth Infomall infomallgeneral infomalllocal infomallstate Java Grande datorr javaforcse Applications hpccapplications hpccgem healthcare researchasop High Performance Computing hpccnii hpcc Petaflop Computing *4* hpccpeta hpccpet hpccpaci Center for Research in Parallel Computation researchcrpc Rome Laboratory CIV Project researchciv Rome Laboratory InfoVision Project researchinfovision Technology Collaboration tangoseminars tangoresource petcandt training tangotraindec97 Database arldatabase researchdatabase Computational Grids compgrid Performance Engineering arpaperf hpccpeta *5* ObjectWeb Computing Systems ascjan99 gateway Standards Activities datorr Parallel Fortran researchfortran Web Technologies researchweb Seminars hpccmanufacturing hpccindustry fsuaugust98 Institution local Events 99 dodhpcmeet99 npacijan99 Events 98 sc98 iteajuly98 mrajune98 alliance98 Events 97 chinatrip9798 arlvisitoct97 chinatrip97 cewesvisitmar97 Events 96 chinatrips *3* Events 95 hpccmeeting chinatrips *3* Administrative Exported Datasets exportnov98 cps615cdrom2 cps615cdrom misc hitachi audioadded master ToBeFiled Notes *1* Add 1998 Java Academy *2* Review for ancillary links and other courses/events with Deepak Ramanathan, Meryem Ispirli, Nancy McCracken Note all of these are ACADEMIC years Fall--> Summer On other hand, Events 98 etc. are calendar year *3* Separate chinatrips into year *4* All exzcept Petasim talks under Petaflop *5* Remove stuff under Petaflop