Neil Please also look at Dell as well. I am told they have a similar machine to Sony. I want a small footprint and quick boot (i.e. Windows 98 not NT?) so I can use on planes Collaborative Education Modules Learning has traditionally involved a combination of information resources, personal exploration and collaborative experiences with either one's peers or teachers. The Web has already shown how it can be a rich information resource and using technology such Java, Shockwave and Dynamic HTML a very explorative dynamic environment. As part of this proposal, we will build on the experience of Syracuse University, to extend these relatively well understood capabilities to build interactive collaborative environments involving shared web-based objects and geographically separated teachers and students. Their TangoInteractive system allows teachers to step through lessons (written in HTML, Powerpoint, WebCT etc.), with the curricula automatically updated on a Browser whose contents are shared with their students around the world. This system has been succesfully used to teach several semester long classes and for shorter training sessions. TangoInteractive allows one to share Java Applets as well rich dynamic HTML. This feature has for example been used to build shared planetary motion simulations and shared access to Supercomputer computations. These collaborative active learning objects are augmented by conventional audio-video conferencing, whiteboard and chatrooms. TangoInteractive has a well defined interface for building shared applications in any essentially any client language. (Java, C++, JavaScript) abnd we will use this to build collaborative web sites to enhance the learning value of the material produced in this proposal.