So I would be happy to try to help! Your document is certainly very all encompassing. Would you focus on some specific issues in May? I wonder if you have a date yet. I have other responsibilities in may and I want to see if I can come if invited. So I got no direct response. We were unfortunately a little late. However I do have a lot of students -- mainly Phd but some masters -- who have expressed interest in working with NPAC but for whom I do not have funding. I will follow up with these. I wondered what the status of SV2 and Tango is? Marek mentioned you hadn't been in contact recently? I think it would be good to put SV2 in next Tango release. What do you think? So in studying card games in dynamic HTML and Tango, I invented two useful sub projects 1) The Poker Chips Here we need ability to display a layer consisting of a pile of chips of a certain total value. Constraints are a) Need to be able to have multiple piles b) There need to be methods to add and subtract value from pile and redisplay It should include multiple colors with chips to represent one unit (white?) 5 units (red?) 10 units (blue?) and higher values. What is best should be discovered from suitably depraved friends 2) The Cribbage board This is a well known board whose picture I can show you but must be on web It should show holes and with dynamic HTML we add pegs (pins) at certain holes There needs to be methods to initialize with variable number of players and methods to put pegs "in" ceratin holes 3) Your energetic chinese helpers should be able to build a mah jong board and pieces. That requires more work! I wondered what status of Chutes and Ladders and Monopoly is Thank You So we have a scheduling problem with my CPS714 class this semester. There were 8 students but only one satisfied prerequisities (namely taking CPS616 first). So I believe we should delay it and would like to shift class to summer when many of these students (and others) would take 714 as they are enrolled in 616 now. I wonder what I should do to implement this. I want in summer not next fall for obvious reasons as this would allow another class in fall. Thank you So I understand where you are coming from but I have only one goal -- success and success now. There is no chance that NPAC will make two books. NPAC as we know it will not exist a year from now and we must maximize the chance we all survive the change. I believe the current book is not perfect but would be useful and good marketing for NPAC and its descendants. You have no time to waste and you should use your effort on Part III of book and continuing superhuman deliveries to our sponsors Nancy has not asked to join book. I suggested this as a way of making book more succesful and bringing it out earlier .... To me most important is not iota of NPAC activity is wasted and that we head towards near term success