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Report Form - Education Outreach and Training Team - Graduate Student Education
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Project Title : Education Outreach and Training Team - Graduate Student Education
PI : Fox , Geoffrey
Team : EOT Education

1. Significant results or events:
Summarize your Alliance-related projects in concise bullets that state results or significance. 150 words maximum
This is Syracuse not Graduate Education in total
1) The TangoInteractive activities are reported under Team C report already
2) We continued with a project that was delayed from last year. This is
"portable fast multipole" public domain code and associated tutorial.
We got a prototype in december and are testing it. WE expect this to
be complete by March 99. The delay is unfortunate but the activity is
still important
3) We continued Internetics v Computational Science debate with a small but
good panel at SC98. It appears that there is some support for our
basic concepts
4) We taught computational science fall 98 using TangoInteractive to
Jackson State. This improved curricula material we put on CDROM
5) We started plan with CRPC to produce a pedagogical book on parallel computing
This I think will be very helpful to our Alliance graduate education goals

2. Expected results, progress and/or events in the coming quarter:
List in concise bullets. 150 words maximum.
Continued Activities along lines described above

Note in learning technologies, our focus on supporting a few key authoring systems and we expect to continue this in this quarter

TangoInteractive futures were in Team C report

3. Any proposed changes to project plan:
List in concise bullets and explain why changes are considered. 100 words maximum.
As described we have one late project but we intend to track this and complete

4. Meetings attended last quarter:
Month and day(s) of meeting/conference/seminar/etc. Event's title and site. Alliance attendee(s) full name and institution. Purpose and outcome of event (mention if an Alliance member hosted or sponsored; include talk title if you gave a presentation). contains 10
meeting trip reports for meetings attended by NPAC in October--December 98
For this project, we can cite:
Eighth Annual Scholarship and Community Conference, Houston October
Government Communications Conference Virginia Beach, VA November
SC98 Orlando November
Web-Based Training Course Vicksburg Miss November
Web-Based Training Course Aberdeen, MD December (with NCSA)
In each case, interactions between Tango users and developers was
main importance for this project. At SC98 interactions with K-12
community was particularly important. We delivered one paper and
organized the panel discussed above

5. Alliance-related publications and presentations:
First author's lastname, firstname, coauthor(s) firstname lastname. Month and year of publication. Article/presentation/video title (no quotation marks). Journal/book/proceedings title. vol:page.
Fox, G., Scavo, T., Bernholdt, D., Markowski, R., McCracken, N.,
Podgorny, M., Mitra, D., and Malluhi, Q., \Synchronous Learning at a
Distance: Experiences with TANGO Interative". Submitted at the
Supercomputing 98 Conference, November 1998. Syracuse University, NPAC,
Technical Report SCCS-852.

6. Alliance-related proposals and awards:
PI's lastname, firstname, coinvestigator(s) firstname lastname. Project title (no quotation marks). Length of award:Award number. Status of a submitted award.

7. Prizes awarded to Alliance members:
Individual's name. Month and day awarded. Name of prize. Awarding agency. Significance of the prize.

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