L:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L:NCSA and Collaborators RiverWeb Project --------------------------------------------- L: L:1. Project description (one or two sentence description) L:Researchers and educators at NCSA, MVHS, OSC & UAH/ASPIRE are collaborating to prototype, L:integrate and evaluate tools, methodologies and materials that L:a) support engaged learning about rivers and watersheds, L:b) integrate science and mathematics teaching and learning, and L:c) are linked to national and state standards. L: L:2. PACI relevance of the project (how it relates to PACI goals/strategies) L:Laying a foundation to scale tools and science content emerging from EH-AT team to meet needs of L:broader audiences for the GRID. L: L:3. Potential audience or user base L:K-12 educators & students (grades 8-12); preservice educators and students; citizen scientists L: L:4. Partnership links both internal (AT/ET/EOT) and external; can include L:potential "targets of opportunity" for partnership L:EOT: MVHS, OSC, UAH/ASPIRE; UIUC College of Education/Chip Bruce/Inquiry Project; potential L:link to NPACI (ECCSE/Zavlesky/GIS); LIS partners; Illinois DNR/EcoWatch; Mississippi RiverWeb L:Museum Consortium partners (NSF-funded project) L: L:5. Diversity and universal access issues L:Prototype activities & materials designed to engage male & female students & educators from diverse L:geographic, economic & cultural backgrounds. Tools to accommodate wide range of workstation and L:bandwidth capabilities. Three co-PI's one of whom is female (Susan Ragan, MVHS). L: L:6. Barriers (with technology or other areas) L:Integrating withing tightly discipline-oriented high school science curriculum. L:Dealing with multiple spatial data formats. L: L:7. Status of project (i.e. planning, development, production) L:Alpha prototyping. Restricting FY99 focus to tools to investigate linkages between water quality and L:stream ecology. L: L:8. Dissemination avenues - contributions to the literature (i.e. reviewed L:journals, conference presentations, etc.) L:Presentation at SC '98. (http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Cyberia/RiverWeb/Projects/Toolsuite/sc98_index.html) L: