M: David Curtis on CosmicWeb Portal into Cosmology ---------------------------- M: M: 1. Project description (one or two sentence description) M: M: CosmicWeb, a experimental, web-based educational resource that adapts novel M: data visualization tools being pioneered by the Cosmology AT team (as part M: of their Simulated X-ray Cluster Digital Archive project) to support M: engaged learning about the evolution of large-scale structure in the M: universe. M: M: M: 2. PACI relevance of the project (how it relates to PACI goals/strategies) M: M: CosmicWeb is intimately linked to the Archive Project, which demonstrates M: components required for "post web computing environments." Tools written in M: Java will support structured student queries to and interactive displays (1-, 2- & 3-D) of simulated and M: observational datasets. In turn, design, prototyping & evaluation of M: user-friendly interfaces for non-specialists will provide valuable data M: with which to enhance the Archive's useability for high-end research. M: M: 3. Potential audience or user base M: M: First and second year u/grads (primarily non-science majors taking M: introductory astronomy courses). M: M: 4. Partnership links both internal (AT/ET/EOT) and external; can include M: potential "targets of opportunity" for partnership. M: M: Current Cosmology AT team partners; EOT partners focusing on undergraduate M: education, including Boston Univ., CIC insitutions and PACS. Potential M: links: Remote Instrumentation/Radiosynthesis/Digital Image Library project; M: Habanero team (to embed java tools into Habanero framework). M: M: 5. Diversity and universal access issues M: Focus groups will be formed to ensure that design of interfaces and M: supporting explanatory materials address a range of learning styles and M: student backgrounds. See also 6. M: M: 6. Barriers (with technology or other areas) M: Large size of simulation datasets pose a challenge for web-serving. Current M: design specifications being reviewed for broad educational access. M: M: 7. Status of project (i.e. planning, development, production) M: In planning and design stage. Completion of prototype slated for 9/30/99. M: Evaluation during 1Q00 (Federal). M: M: 8. Dissemination avenues - contributions to the literature (i.e. reviewed M: journals, conference presentations, etc.) M: M: Integrate or link materials from two existing web sites http://sca.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ M: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Cyberia/Cosmos/CosmosCompHome.html into single portal. M: Preliminary evaluation during the fall semester '99. Findings to be published on the web. M: Supercomputing '99: submissions for paper & poster presentations and workshop are being considered. M: