E:------------------------------------------------------------------------- E:National DATORR and NCSA Alliance Post Web Standards Activity -------------------- E: E:1. Project Description E:Emerging Activities to set standards for web and backend interfaces to resources E:in terms of XML and related distributed object technologies. E: E:2. PACI relevance of the project (how it relates to PACI goals/strategies) E:Critical PACI activity which will integrate ET AT and EOT E: E:3. Potential audience or user base E:Anybody building "Portals" "Workbenches" and "Problem Solving Environments" E: E:4. Partnership links both internal (AT/ET/EOT) and external; can include E:potential "targets of opportunity" for partnership E:Emerging synergies between education and problem solving environments (PSE) are E:an important target of opportunity. A good PSE is likely to have substantial E:educational content and value. The Biology Workbench is one example of this E: E:5. Diversity and universal access issues E:Important base technology for UA as defines structure of objects E: E:6. Barriers (with technology or other areas) E:Too early to say E: E:7. Status of project (i.e. planning, development, production) E:Still in planning phase but has high level attention E: E:8. Dissemination avenues - contributions to the literature (i.e. reviewed E:journals, conference presentations, etc.) E:Well connected to nationally respected groups E: