A: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: Gregory Moses on Wisconsin Multimedia Technology for Distance Education A: A: 1. Project description (one or two sentence description) A: A: Web-basd digital video viewer and authoring tool that produces two simultaneous A: video streams, a powerpoint frame, a table of contents (allowing random access) A: and an external links frame for the purpose of delivering video on demand for A: educational and other purposes. A: A: 2. PACI relevance of the project (how it relates to PACI goals/strategies) A: The tool will allow productions of simulation results in the form of video and A: a "talking head" to explain the work in an educational setting. It will allow A: lectures to be produced for viewing via the web. A: A: 3. Potential audience or user base A: All PACI ET and AT projects and all EOT projects, as well as any person wanting A: a low cost way to produce digital video productions quickly and easily. A: A: 4. Partnership links both internal (AT/ET/EOT) and external; can include A: potential "targets of opportunity" for partnership A: Currently producing a Condor tutorial using this tool. The video tool was A: supported by NPACI and the Condor work was supported by NCSA. A: A: 5. Diversity and universal access issues A: Yet to be addressed, but we will. A: A: 6. Barriers (with technology or other areas) A: Network speed is the major barrier to dissemination of this technology, but A: this is improving. A: A: 7. Status of project (i.e. planning, development, production) A: Viewer is in alpha phase. It is being used for production of two demo's by A: knowledgible users. Authoring tool is in development with expected alpha A: release in Spring. A: A: 8. Dissemination avenues - contributions to the literature (i.e. reviewed A: journals, conference presentations, etc.) A: This will be presented at numerous meetings (SC 99) and conferences, once past A: beta release and with some high quality content. Expect to start next summer. A: The software will be available via download from the web, once it is released.