J: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Steven Gordon on OSC (Ohio Supercomputer Center) Summer Institute for high school teachers. J: J: 1. Project Description J: OSC will be launching its first summer institute for high school J: teachers to train them to integrate compuational science in problem-solving J: projects in their classrooms. They will be trained to use modeling and simulation in J: the teaching of science and mathematics. The tools and resources developed by J: the RiverWeb project (which OSC is also involved with supporting) will be J: used as some one of the example projects. J: We will be working with teachers to instruct them how to use web-based J: technology tools and modeling tools to build project-based science and math J: projects for K-12. We will do a face-to-face workshop but will be J: developing some tools that would allow us to eventually hold part of the J: workshop on-line. J: Example materials from Riverweb would include the MapIt program that allows J: web-based mapping visualization of environmental data, some web-based J: graphing tools to look for the relationships within datasets on watersheds, J: and a mentoring tool that will allow outside mentors to help the J: teachers/students with their projects. J: There are summarized at: http://alliance.osc.edu/riverweb/ J: J: 2. PACI relevance of the project (how it relates to PACI goals/strategies) J: These efforts are directly related to the EOT-PACI mission "to ensure J: that all citizens may make productive use of emerging computing J: technologies to advance their ability to understand and solve problems in J: education, science, business, government, and society" as we better equip J: today's and tomorrow's secondary school teachers. The effort focuses J: directly on the training of teachers to use these technologies. J: J: 3. Potential audience or user base J: The initial focus of the OSC CSI (Computational Science Institute) will J: be high school teachers. The training materials and resources will also be useful J: to teachers of grades 6-12 as well as undergraduate higher education. J: J: 4. Partnership links both internal (AT/ET/EOT) and external; can include J: potential "targets of opportunity" for partnership J: Partnering with ASPIRE at University of Alabama in Huntsville to J: develop CS Institute and to create an online version of many of the J: workshop materials so more people can utilize them. Other RiverWeb J: partners include EOT: MVHS, OSC, UAH/ASPIRE; UIUC College of Education/Chip J: Bruce/Inquiry Project; potential link to NPACI (ECCSE/Zavlesky/GIS); LIS J: partners; Illinois DNR/EcoWatch; Mississippi RiverWeb Museum Consortium J: partners (NSF-funded project) J: J: 5. Diversity and universal access issues J: We will recruit teachers from a variety of school districts to reach a diverse J: group of students -- of all socioeconomic levels and regions -- and involve higher J: numbers of minorities and women in computational science and related fields J: where they are currently under represented. J: J: 6. Barriers (with technology or other areas) J: Existing modeling tools are not universally distributed to the effected J: schools. Each school has its own, different technological base making it J: difficult to define a set of curricular materials that can easily be adopted by all. J: J: 7. Status of project (i.e. planning, development, production) J: Summer institute is still in planning stages. RiverWeb continues with J: development and implementation in its latest phase. J: J: 8. Dissemination avenues - contributions to the literature (i.e. reviewed J: journals, conference presentations, etc.) J: We will be using the web to distribute materials through our webED site (see J: other project). J: