H: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- H: Ohio Supercomputer Center: Development of webED Tools Site for University K-12 Educators H: H: 1. Project Description H: Over the past year OSC has developed a website (http://www.osc.edu/webed) which H: provides links to web-based tools, courses, and related materials for higher H: education. This site will be expanded in the coming year to provide more H: extensive reviews of the tools and to have an area that more specifically H: focuses on K-12 educators. H: H: 2. PACI relevance of the project (how it relates to PACI goals/strategies) H: Provides widespread access to current information on available tools to a H: educators interested in applying techology to the calssroom. H: H: 3. Potential audience or user base H: Both undergraduate and K-12 educators H: H: 4. Partnership links both internal (AT/ET/EOT) and external; can include H: potential "targets of opportunity" for partnership H: Will be gathering information from existing EOT partners. Also will coordinate H: efforts with the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse on Science and Math Education H: H: 5. Diversity and universal access issues H: Tools will provide information to a wide variety of groups H: H: 6. Barriers (with technology or other areas) H: H: 7. Status of project (i.e. planning, development, production) H: K-12 portion of the site is under constructions. Higher education portion of H: the site is being updated regularly. H: H: 8. Dissemination avenues - contributions to the literature (i.e. reviewed H: journals, conference presentations, etc.) H: We will be using the web to distribute materials. H: