G: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G: Raul Zaritsky NCSA on Some NCSA Education Group Activities G: G: For our purposes Education Technology should be defined as an enabling G: technology for learning. Thus the Biology workbench, at present, is a G: scientist's tool not an Educational Technology. However Tango, Habanero, G: SimCalc, KIE, CISLE, are all examples of learning technologies. G: G: 1. Project description (one or two sentence description) G: To create a repository, and help develop specifications for learning G: technologies capable of improving the delivery of distance education systems. G: This includes synchronous and asych situations to provide instruction on Alliance G: tools being developed and transformed for the learner. Specifically: our G: computational modeling, and simpler modeling tools, our bioinformatics tools G: and essential programming languages such as JAVA. G: G: 2. PACI relevance of the project (how it relates to PACI goals/strategies) G: This solves an essential dissemination and instruction question for the PACI, G: and would provide the research basis for developing across partner courseware G: and experience, both with distance and in class learning technologies. G: G: 3. Potential audience or user base G: On the UIUC campus, Lisa and I are teaching a Modeling and Visualization Class G: in the College of Education. Alai na is teaching a class to the MBA school. G: Geoff is teaching a JAVA class, and this summer, the bioinformatics group, G: BioWorkbench, will be teaching a series of workshops. G: G: 4. Partnership links both internal (AT/ET/EOT) and external; can include G: potential "targets of opportunity" for partnership G: Biology workbench teams with schools and othe PACI partners G: In-service and pre-service teachers G: Other PACI partners, such as Shodor & MVHS instructing in student-based G: curriculum to other PACI partners who will be providing similar services. G: G: 5. Diversity and universal access issues G: An essential research focus would be to define the problems and solutions to G: the diversity and universal access issues in this limited focused projects. G: G: 6. Barriers (with technology or other areas) G: All of the current distance education, collaboration and concept mapping G: technologies have significant holes in their capabilities. Finding the overlaps G: and focusing resources on developing solutions could effectively take us beyond G: the trigger point of effectiveness. The fact that we have not reached this G: trigger point, in sum, is a quick way of defining our barriers. G: Further, cognitive and sociological barriers to learning will be even more G: difficult to over-come than these technical barriers. However, we can't G: approach solid research on these fronts until we have working technologies. G: In medicine it would be like doing antibiotic studies in surgeries where there G: was still a major sepsis problem. G: G: 7. Status of project (i.e. planning, development, production) G: The courses are ongoing and planned throughout the next year. G: G: 8. Dissemination avenues - contributions to the literature (i.e. reviewed G: journals, conference presentations, etc.) G: Only projects with sufficient scholarly research commitments should be G: considered for PACI support. G: