Role of Lewalle in Project:

One of my contributions can be to make the technology more easily accessible to educators and/or engineers who are not conversant with the technology developed in these projects (Tango, WebWisdom). I would consider writing a manual

  1. showing the capabilities of the technology from the user's viewpoint, then
  2. showing step-by-step how to do it (including updates).

Rationale: although software like Tango has been available for downloading for quite some time, the typical non-CS educator (myself?) may find the process somewhat intimidating; particularly without a list of exemplars, motivation to overcome mental blocks is not there. I would say that most faculty members are not aware of what Tango or WebWisdom can do for them. The transfer of technology from specialists at NPAC to typical educators needs to be facilitated.

I would not mind being in touch with someone involved with either Tango or WebWisdom and starting on the project as soon as convenient.