NPAC Technical Report SCCS-402
A Methodology for developing high performance computing models: storm-scale weather prediction
N Chrisochoides, Droegemeir, G Fox, K Mills
Submitted December 01 1992
A methodology for developing future generations of a storm-scale weather
prediction model for Massively Parallel Processing is described. The
forecast model is the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS),
a three-dimensional,
fully compressible, non-hydrostatic predictive model. In the short term, the
computational goals include developing a portable, scalable model for
distributed memory SIMD and MIMD architectures, while preserving
a high degree of modularity to support rapid design and validation,
maintainability, educational goals and operational testing. Longer
term computational goals include a parallel adaptive mesh refinement scheme.
A FortranD/High Performance Fortran version of the ARPS provides portability
in the current version of the model, and supports future model research goals.