NPAC Technical Report SCCS-486

Critical and Topological Properties of Cluster Boundaries in the 3-D Ising Model

V Dotsenko, P Windey, G Harris, E Marinari, E Martinec, M Picco

Submitted April 21 1993


We analyze the behavior of the ensemble of surface boundaries of the critical clusters at T=T_c in the 3d Ising model. We find that N_g(A), the number of surfaces of given genus g and fixed area A, behaves as A^{-x(g)} e^{-\mu A}. We show that \mu is a constant independent of g and x(g) is approximately a linear function of g. The sum of N_g(A) over genus scales as a power of A. We also observe that the volume of the clusters is proportional to its surface area. We argue that this behavior is typical of a branching instability for the surfaces, similar to the ones found for non-critical string theories with c > 1. We discuss similar results for the ordinary spin clusters of the 3d Ising model at the minority percolation point and for 3d bond percolation. Finally we check the universality of these critical properties on the simple cubic lattice and the body centered cubic lattice.

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