NPAC Technical Report SCCS-511
The Fluid Random Surfaces with Extrinsic Curvature: II
K Anagnostopoulos, M Bowick, P Coddington, M Falcioni, L Han, G Harris, E Marinari
Submitted August 09 1993
We present the results of an extension of our previous work on large-scale
simulations of dynamically triangulated toroidal random surfaces
embedded in $R^3$ with extrinsic curvature. We find that the
extrinsic-curvature specific heat peak ceases to grow on lattices with
more than $576$ nodes and that the location of the peak $\lam_c$
also stabilizes. The evidence for a true crumpling transition is still
weak. If we assume it exists we can say that the finite-size scaling exponent
$\frac {\alpha} {\nu d}$ is very close to zero or negative.
On the other hand our new data does rule out the observed peak as being a
finite-size artifact
of the persistence length becoming comparable to the extent of the lattice.