NPAC Technical Report SCCS-563

Parallel Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAE) Solvers for Power System Transient Stability Analysis

Kamala Anupindi, Anthony Skjellum, Paul Coddington, Geoffrey Fox

Submitted March 1 1994


Real-time or faster-than-real-time power system transient stability simulations will have significant impact on the future design and operations of both individual electrical utility companies and large interconnected power systems. The analysis involves solution of extremely large systems of differential and algebraic equations. Differential-Algebraic Equation (DAE) solvers have been used to solve problems similar in nature to the transient stability analysis (TSA) problem. This paper discusses the possibility of the use of the existing DAE solvers to solve the transient stability analysis application. We also discuss our research in developing a scalable, parallel DAE solver for use by the power system community and in related applications.

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