NPAC Technical Report SCCS-599
Percolation on Strings and the Cover-up of the c=1 Disaster
Geoffrey Harris
Submitted February 04 1994
We study percolation on the worldsheets of string theory for
$c=0,1/2,1$ and $2$. For $c<1$ we find that critical exponents
measured from simulations agree quite well with the theoretical values.
For $c=1$ we show how log corrections determined from the exact
solution reconcile numerical results with the
KPZ predictions. We extend this analysis to the large $c$
regime and estimate how finite-size effects will effectively
raise the ground state energy, masking the presence of the tachyon
for moderate values of $c > 1$. It thus appears likely that simulations
for $c=2,3 \ldots$ on numerically accessible lattices
will fail to even
capture the qualitative behavior of the continuum limit.