NPAC Technical Report SCCS-625

Preliminary Evaluation of High-Performance Fortran as a Language for Computational Fluid Dynamics

Edward Bogucz, Geoffrey Fox, Tom Haupt, Kenneth Hawick, Sanjay Ranka

Submitted June 20 1994


This paper evaluates the High-Performance Fortran (HPF) language as a candidate for implementing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software on parallel-architecture computer systems. The paper reviews major HPF language features and discusses general algorithmic issues common to broad classes of CFD codes. Broader application areas, such as those covered by the NAS parallel benchmarks are also reviewed for suitability for HPF implementation. HPF is shown to provide convenient language structures for implementing several widely-used CFD algorithms, including finite-difference and finite-volume solvers that use regular grids. Other CFD algorithms --- including multi-block, multi-grid and unstructured-mesh approaches --- are most conveniently expressed using extensions to the initial HPF language specification.

PostScript version of the paper