NPAC Technical Report SCCS-629

High Performance Computing and Communications Glossary

Kenneth Hawick

Submitted July 24 1994


This is a glossary of terms on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) and is essentially a roadmap or information integration system for HPCC technology. The master copy of this document is maintained online as hypertext, where cross references are hypertext links to other entries in the document. Some entries like that for BLAS software point to the software source itself, available on the net from sites like the National Software Exchange. In this ``paper'' version, entry headings are in bold, and cross reference entries are in italics. The construction of this glossary is of necessity an ongoing process in an active field like HPCC, and so entries will be updated and augmented periodically. Watch for the version numbers. The master copy is stored at the Northeast Parallel Architectures Centre (NPAC) at URL:, and NPAC's main URL is: An additional copy is also available in the Information Databases section of the National Software Exchange at URL:

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Hypertext version of the paper