NPAC Technical Report SCCS-647
The Living Textbook: a Demonstration of Information on Demand Technologies in Education
Kim Mills, Geoffrey Fox, Barbara Shelly, Steven Bossert
Submitted October 1 1994
The Living Textbook is a collaborative project designed to deliver
real-time, multimedia, information on demand to the classroom
in six K-12 pilot schools. New York State funds this project which
is centered on NYNEX's NYNET, a regional ATM (asynchronous transfer
mode) gigabit network.
This paper describes trends in high-performance computing
and communications favoring information based applications and
"education on demand." NPAC's InfoMall model of technology
transfer, small business partnerships, and collaborative software
development is used to develop an innovative set of educational
applications that include: video on demand, New York State--The
Interactive Journey, Collaboration technology in education, and a
set of text, speech, and simulation based education software packages.