NPAC Technical Report SCCS-670
Runtime Support for Parallel I/O in PASSION
Rajesh Bordawekar, Rajeev Thakur, Ravi Ponnusamy, Alok Choudhary
Submitted December 9 1994
We are developing a compiler and runtime support system called {\bf
PASSION}: {\bf
P}arallel {\bf A}nd {\bf S}calable {\bf S}oftware for {\bf I}nput-{\bf
O}utput, to translate out-of-core data-parallel programs to message
passing node
programs with explicit parallel I/O. This paper describes the design
and implementation of the runtime system used in PASSION. We explain
the basic model used by the compiler and runtime system. We describe
the runtime routines for regular problems and provide an initial
framework for runtime support for out-of-core irregular problems.
Preliminary performance results are presented for 2D FFT and
Laplace equation solver, and a kernel from a molecular dynamics code.