NPAC Technical Report SCCS-676

Discussion of the NAS Parallel Benchmark for CFD

Ammar Degani, Geoffrey Fox

Submitted December 14 1994


The Numerical Aerodynamics Simulation (NAS) group at NASA Ames has developed a "pencil and paper" benchmark for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Applications. A set of synthetic Partial Differential Equations (PDE's) and the solution methodology, embodying many salient features of a typical application code, are specified. In the benchmark specification, the derivation of the discretized equations and the solution algorithm are not considered. Here, these equations are derived beginning with the differential form of the Navier-Stokes equations. Discrepancies between the resulting equations developed here and those specified in the NAS benchmark are delineated, and the correspondence of the synthetic set of PDE's to those in a "real" CFD code is discussed. This report is targeted to an audience that has an interest in establishing the physical significance of various variables that appear in the set of synthetic PDE's in the NAS benchmark.

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