NPAC Technical Report SCCS-698

A Framework for Representing Data Parallel Programs and its Application in Program Reordering

Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary

Submitted March 6 1995


In this paper, we present a framework for describing the dataflow and dependence information of a data parallel program. Our framework initially represents the program using a directed Intermediate Program Locality Graph (IPLG). Using Dependence Access Relations (DARs), the ILDG is reduced to a Program Locality Graph (PLG). The information provided by PLG is used by the compiler to reorder the program to improve program locality. We view the program reordering problem as an optimization problem. To solve this problem, we present a polynomial time heuristic, called the {\em Range Reduction Heuristic}. The best case time complexity of the heuristic is $O(m^{2}n^{2})$, where $m$ is the number of statements and $n$ is the number of arrays used in the program. The average case running time of the algorithm approaches the best case performance. This framework will be implemented as a part of the PASSION ({\bf P}arallel {\bf A}nd {\bf S}calable {\bf S}oftware for {\bf I/O}) compiler to compile out-of-core HPF programs. The PASSION compiler will take advantage of the improved program locality and use the dependence/dataflow information to perform further optimizations like (1) Providing Hints to the file system, (2) Data Retaining Policies, (3) Dead-code Computation Elimination and (4) Local File Reorganization.

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