NPAC Technical Report SCCS-714

Application of Massively Parallel Architecture to Computational Electromagnetics

Xianneng Shen

Submitted August 1 1994


In this thesis, we discuss the development and implementation of computational electromagnetics simulations on massively parallel processing systems. The possibility of predicting radar cross section (RCS) for a full scale aircraft is discussed and demonstrated by combining the most advanced computational electromagnetics techniques and massively parallel processing technologies. Wilkes' and Cha's exact surface model and their basis function are used to develop numerical solutions for electromagnetic scattering problems involving arbitrarily shaped conducting bodies with and without lossy dielectric coatings.

The ParaMoM code---one of the most sophisticated and complicated software packages for electromagnetic scattering developed by Cha's group at Syracuse Research Corporation---is extended to treat arbitrarily shaped conducting bodies with lossy dielectric coatings. The parallel algorithms development of ParaMoM is discussed. The parallel ParaMoM, called ParaMoM-MPP, is implemented on three massively parallel architectures: the TMC CM-5, the Intel Paragon, and the IBM SP-1.

The accuracy of the ParaMoM-MPP code is discussed and demonstrated by comparing the numerical results with physical measurements. Efficiency of the parallel implementation is discussed. Portability of ParaMoM-MPP is discussed and tested by porting the ParaMoM-MPP code to different architectures. The scalability of the parallel implementation of each component of the ParaMoM-MPP code is discussed. The out-of-core algorithm is discussed as a method for solving large problems which require a large amount of memory exceeding that available in core.

This work demonstrates that parallel computing and advanced numerical techniques are equally important to successfully achieving full-scale aircraft RCS prediction. This thesis gives an example of the successful combining of state-of-the-art massively parallel processing technologies with state-of-the-art computational electromagnetic techniques.

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