NPAC Technical Report SCCS-725

Mapping Unstructured Computational Graphs for Adaptive and Nonuniform Computational Environments

Maher Kaddoura, Chao-Wei Ou, Sanjay Ranka

Submitted August 2 191994


In this paper we study the problem of mapping a large class of irregular and loosely synchronous data-parallel applications in a nonuniform and adaptive computational environment. The computational structure of these applications can be described in terms of a computational graph, where nodes of the graph represent computational tasks and edges describe the communication between tasks. Parallelization of these applications onto nonuniform computational environments requires partitioning the graph among the processors in such fashion that the computation load on each node is proportional to its computational power, while communication is minimized. We discuss the applicability of current methods for graph partitioning for such environments. For an adaptive computational environment, the partitioning of the graph needs to be updated as the environment adapts, hence most algorithms described in the literature are computationally prohibitive. We discuss novel strategies that allow for fast remapping.

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