NPAC Technical Report SCCS-727
Application of High Performance Fortran
Geoffrey Fox, Kenneth Hawick, Tom Haupt, Edward Bogucz, Kevin Roe
Submitted July 25 1995
We discuss applications where the High Performance Fortran language can be
successfully employed for efficient implementations on HPCC and parallel
platforms. Examples given are oriented towards applications in
Computational Fluid Dynamics and include: the ADI algorithm; the Panel
Method and Full matrix dense linear algebra methods; iterative methods for
unstructured sparse matrices and teh conjugate gradient algorithm. We also
discuss a number of current projects of the Northeast Parallel
Architectures Center, including Data Assimilation for weather and climate
prediction codes; computing behaviour of colliding binary Black Holes; and
some production level CFD codes being ported for NASA. We also describe
our HPF Applications world wide web collection of codes and information
about HPF.