NPAC Technical Report SCCS-760

Radial Excitations in NRQCD

Simon Catterall, Frank Devlin, Ian Drummond, Ron Horgan

Submitted April 10 1996


Following the Non-Relativistic QCD approach we use a gauge invariant smearing method with factorization to measure the excitation energies for a heavy $Q\bar{Q}$ system on a $24^3\times 48$ lattice at $\beta=6.2$. The results come from averaging over an ensemble of 60 QCD configurations. In order to enhance the signal from each configuration we use wall sources for quark propagators. The quark Hamiltonian contains only the simplest non-relativistic kinetic energy term. insensitive to this variable though there are a slight trends with increasing quark mass. For an appropriate choice of UV cut-off ($a^{-1}=3.2$Gev) the mass spectrum compares reasonably well with the experimental values for the spin-averaged energy gaps of the $\Upsilon$ system. We also present results for the $DE$ and $DT$ waves for the lowest bare quark mass. This encourages the idea that even with our simple quark Hamiltonian the departure from rotational invariance is not great.

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