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Geoffrey Charles Fox
Syracuse University
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
111 College Place
Room 3-201 CST
Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
(315) 443-1723
Birth: June 7, 1944, in Dunfermline, Scotland
B.A. in Mathematics from Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University, (1964--67).
M.A. from Cambridge University (1968).
- Research Experience
- Director, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
(August, 1990--present)
- Professor of Computer Science (August, 1990--present)
- Professor of Physics (August, 1990--present)
- Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13244 (1990--present)
- Associate Provost for Computing (January, 1986--December, 1988)
- Dean for Educational Computing (September, 1983--December 1985)
- Professor of Physics (July, 1971--July, 1990)
- Executive Officer of Physics (September, 1981--September, 1983)
- Millikan Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics (September
1970--June, 1971)
- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York (1970) and
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois (1970), visiting
- Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England (1969--1970). Research
at Peterhouse College
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720
(1968--69). Research Scientist
- Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540,
Member of School of Natural Sciences.
- Fox, G. C. and Holmes, K. C. ``An Alternative Method of
Solving the Layer Scaling Equations of Hamilton, Rollett, and
Sparks,'' Acta Cryst. 20, 886 (1966).
- Fox, G. C. and Leader, E. ``Factorization of Helicity
Amplitudes at High Energies,'' Phys. Rev. Lett., 18, 628
- Fox, G. C. ``Methods for Constructing Invariant Amplitudes
Free from Kinematic Singularities and Zeros,'' Phys. Rev.,
157, 1493 (1967).
- Fox, G. C. ``Characteristic Features of the Scattering of
Elementary Particles Arising from Their Spin and Electromagnetic
Interaction,'' (unpublished), Ph.D. Dissertation, Cambridge, England
- Fox, G. C. and Sertorio, L. ``Regge Secondary Trajectories,''
Phys. Rev., 176, 1739 (1968).
- Fox, G. C. and Freedman, D. Z. ``Compton Scattering Sum
Rules and Their Saturation,'' Phys. Rev., 182, 1628
- Fox, G. C., Goldhaber, A. S. and Quigg, C. ``Theory of
Interference in
Production,'' Phys.
Lett., 30B, 249 (1969).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Pion-Nucleon and Kaon-Nucleon
Scattering in the Veneziano Model,'' Phys. Rev., 188, 2120
- Fox, G. C. ``Skeletons in the Regge Cupboard,''
Proceedings of the Stony Brook Conference on High Energy Physics, 1969
(Gordon & Breach, Science Publishers, Inc., New York, New York
- Fox, G. C. and Quigg, C., ``Compilation of Elastic
Scattering Data,'' UCRL-20001, January 1970. Interim report from the
Particle Data Group, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley,
- Fox, G. C., ``A Veneziano Model without Parity Doubling for
Production Processes,'' preprint, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge,
England, February, 1970.
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Decisive Tests of High
Energy Models,'' Phys. Rev. Lett., 25, 1783 (1970).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Comparative Evaluation of
Theories of
Backward Scattering,'' Nuclear Physics,
B26, 1 (1971).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Phenomenology of Backward
Photoproduction,'' Nuclear Physics, B30, 1 (1971).
- Fox, G. C., Engelmann, R., Musgrave, B., Schweingruber, F.,
Yuta, H., Forman, B., Gelfand, N. and Schultz, H., ``The Charge
Exchange Production Mechanism for K*(890),'' Phys. Rev.,
D4, 2647 (1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``The Importance of Being an Amplitude,'' in
Phenomenology in Particle Physics 1971, edited by C. B. Chiu, G. C.
Fox and A. J. G. Hey (Caltech, 1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``
-exchange,'' in Planning for the Future,
ANL/HEP-7208, p. 545, Proceedings of Summer Workshop (1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``Experiments with Polarized Targets,'' in
Planning for the Future, ANL-HEP-7208, p. 1072, Proceedings of
Summer Workshop (1971).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``High Energy Physics with
Polarized Proton Beams,'' in 2nd International Conference on
Polarized Targets, proceedings edited by G. Shapiro (Berkeley 1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``Past Lessons and Future Dreams from
Polarization Data in High Energy Physics,'' 2nd International
Conference on Polarized Targets, proceedings edited by G. Shapiro
(Berkeley 1971).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Line-Reversal-Symmetry
Breaking and Interference Effects Between Resonances on a Dalitz
Plot,'' Physics Letters, 36B, 389 (1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``Peripheral Production of Resonances,'' in
3rd International Conference on Experimental Meson Spectroscopy,
edited by K. W. Lai and A. H. Rosenfeld (AIP 1972).
- Fox, G. C. and Pilcher, J. E., ``High Energy Collisions I
and II: Summary of Parallel Sessions,'' in Proceedings of the XVI
International Conference on High Energy Physics, edited by J. D.
Jackson and A. Roberts (NAL 1972).
- Fox, G. C. and Griss, M. L., ``A Criticism of the
Accelerated-Convergence-Expansion Partial-Wave Analysis of
Elastic Scattering,'' Phys. Rev., D7, 74 (1973).
- Fox, G. C. and Hey, A. J. G., ``Non-diffractive Production
of Meson Resonances,'' Nuclear Physics, B56, 386 (1973).
- Fox, G. C., Berger, E. L. and Kryzwicki, A., ``Quantitative
Measure of Cluster Formation in Multiparticle Production,'' Physics
Letters, 43B, 132 (1973).
- Fox, G. C., Johnson, D., Cho, Y., Derrick, M., Musgrave, B.,
Wangler, T., Ammar, R., Davis, R., Kropac, W., and Yarger, H.,
at 5.5 GeV/c,'' Phys. Rev., D7, 2537
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Multiplicity Distributions
and Inclusive Spectra in a Multiperipheral Cluster Emission Model,''
Physics Letters, 47B, 162 (1973).
- Fox, G. C. and Quigg, C., ``Production Mechanisms of
Two-to-Two Scattering Processes at Intermediate Energies,'' Annual
Review of Nuclear Science, Vol. 23 (1973).
- Fox, G. C., ``Inclusive Structure of Diffractive
Scattering,'' in High Energy Collisions---1973, Stony Brook
Conference Proceedings, edited by C. Quigg, (AIP 1973).
- Fox, G. C., ``Polarization Effects for Diffractive
Processes in the Deck Model,'' Phys. Rev., D11, 3196 (1974).
- Fox, G. C. and Griss, M. L., ``Study of the
Scattering Amplitude I: Threshold to 1 GeV Region,'' Nuclear
Physics, B80, 403 (1974).
- Fox, G. C. and Field, R. D., ``Triple Regge and Finite Mass
Sum Rule Analysis of Inclusive Proton Production in pp Scattering from
10 GeV to ISR Energies,'' Nuclear Physics, B80, 367 (1974).
- Fox, G. C., ``A Spin for Everybody,'' Caltech preprint
CALT-68-461, invited talk for the Workshop on Polarization,
Brookhaven National Laboratory (1974)---published in BNL 20415
(Proceedings of Workshop).
- Fox, G. C., Field, R. D., and Tollestrup, A. V.,
``Estimates of the Peripheral Production of the Charmed Eta,''
preprint CALT-68-491 unpublished (1975).
- Fox, G. C. and Stevens, P. R., (Particle Data Group and
High Energy Physics Laboratory representatives), ``Compilation of
Current High Energy Physics Experiments,'' LBL-91 (1976).
- Fox, G. C., ``Phenomenology of High
invited talk at APS meeting at Brookhaven, October 1976. Published in
``Particles and Fields---1976,'' edited by H. Gordon and R. F. Peierls
(BNL report 50598).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana University), ``Observation of
the Production of Jets of Particles at High Transverse Momentum and
Comparison with Single Particle Reactions,'' Phys. Rev. Letters,
38, 1447 (1977).
- Fox, G. C., Feynman, R. P., and Field, R. D., ``Correlations
Among Particles and Jets with Large Transverse Momenta,'' Nuclear
Physics, B128, 1 (1977).
- Fox. G. C., ``Phenomenology of Asymptotically Free Theories
in Deep Inelastic Scattering, I: Electron and Muon Scattering,''
Nuclear Physics, B131, 107 (1977).
- Fox, G. C., ``Phenomenology of Asymptotically Free Theories
in Deep Inelastic Scattering, II: Neutrino Scattering,'' Nuclear
Physics, B134, 269 (1978).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana University), ``Production of Jets
and Single Particles at High
in 200 GeV Hadron Beryllium
Collisions,'' Nuclear Physics, B134, 189 (1978).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana University), ``Comparison of
Hadron Jets Produced in
and p Beams on Hydrogen and Aluminum
Targets,'' Fermilab-Conf-77/62-EXP preprint (unpublished).
- Fox, G. C., ``Recent Experimental Results on High
Transverse Momentum Scattering from Fermilab,'' invited talk at APS
meeting at Argonne, October, 1977. Published in ``Particles and
Fields---1977,'' edited by P. A. Schreiner, G. H. Thomas and A. B.
Wicklund (APS, 1978).
- Fox, G. C., ``Applications of Quantum Chromodynamics to
High Transverse Momentum Hadron Production,'' invited talk at Orbis
Scientiae 1978 (Coral Gables). Published in New Frontiers in
High-Energy Physics, edited by A. Perlmutter and L. Scott (Plenum,
- Fox, G. C., ``The Physics of Inclusive Charged Neutrino
Reactions,'' invited talk at 1978 Neutrino Conference; published in
Neutrinos '78, edited by E. C. Fowler (Purdue, 1978).
- Fox, G. C., Barnes, A., Kennett, R. G., Walker, R. L., Dahl,
O. I., Kenney, R. W., Ogawa, A., and Pripstein, M., ``Precise Tests
of Triple-Regge Theory from
Inclusive Production in
Collisions,'' Phys. Rev. Letters,
41, 1260 (1978).
- Fox, G. C., Barnes, A., Kennett, R. G., Walker, R. L., Dahl,
O. I., Kenney, R. W., Ogawa, A., and Pripstein, M., ``Inclusive
Production from
Collisions in the Triple Regge Region,'' Nuclear Physics,
B145, 45 (1978).
- Fox, G. C., Barnes, A., Kennett, R. G., Walker, R. L., Dahl,
O. I., Kenney, R. W., Ogawa, A., and Pripstein, M., ``Inclusive
Production in the All Neutral Mode from
Collisions,'' Nuclear Physics, B145, 67
- Fox, G. C., Feynman, R. P., and Field, R. D.,
``Quantum-Chromodynamic Approach for the Large-Transverse-Momentum
Production of Particles and Jets,'' Phys. Rev., D18, 3320 (1978).
- Fox, G. C. and Wolfram, S., ``Observables for the Analysis
of Event Shapes in
Annihilation and Other Processes,''
Phys. Rev. Letters, 41, 1581 (1978).
- Fox, G. C. and Wolfram, S., ``Event Shapes in
Annihilation,'' Nuclear Physics, B149, 413 (1979) and
erratum B157, 543 (1979).
- Fox, G. C. and Wolfram, S., ``Tests for Planar Events in
Event Shapes,'' (with S. Wolfram), Physics Letters,
82B, 134 (1979).
- Fox, G. C. and Wolfram, S., ``A Gallimaufry of
Shapes,'' Caltech preprint CALT-68-723 (1979), unpublished.
- Fox, G. C. with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana University, ``Jets Produced in
and Proton Interactions at 200 GeV on Hydrogen and
Aluminium Targets,'' Phys. Rev. Letters, 42, 1202 (1979)
and erratum ibid. 43, 1057 (1979).
- Fox, G. C. with P. R. Stevens, Particle Data Group and High
Energy Physics Laboratory representatives, ``An indexed Compilation
of Experimental High Energy Physics Literature,'' LBL-90 (1978).
- Fox, G. C. with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana), ``Production and Correlations
of Charged Particles with High
and pp Collisions,'' Phys. Rev. Letters, 43,
561 (1979).
- Fox, G. C. with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana), ``Experimental Tests of
Quantum Chromodynamics in High
Jet Production in
Hadron-Proton Collisions,'' Phys. Rev. Letters,
43, 565 (1979) and erratum ibid. 43, 1058 (1979).
- Fox, G. C. with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana), ``Measurement of Forward Jets
Produced in High Transverse Momentum Hadron-Proton Collisions,''
Phys. Rev. Letters, 45, 769 (1980).
- Fox, G. C. with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana), ``Jet Production in High-Energy
Hadron-Proton Collisions,'' Nuclear Physics, B171, 38 (1980).
- Fox, G. C. with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana, ``Structure of Events in 200
GeV Interactions on Hydrogen and Aluminium Targets in Both Soft and
Hard Collisions,'' Nuclear Physics, B171, 38 (1980).
- Fox, G. C. and Farrar, G., ``QCD Calculation of the Leading
Particle Contribution to High
Production in
Collisions,'' Nuclear Physics, B167, 205 (1980).
- Fox, G. C., Kennett R. G., Stone A. E. A., Barnes A. V.,
Walker, R. L., Dahl, O. I., Kenney, R. W., Ogawa, A, Pripstein, M,
``A Compilation of Cross-Sections for Inclusive
Production in the Triple Regge Region at an Incident Momentum of
100 GeV,'' Caltech preprint CALT-68-698, unpublished (1980).
- Fox, G. C., Kennett R. G., Stone A. E. A., Barnes A. V.,
Walker, R. L., Dahl, O. I., Kenney, R. W., Ogawa, A, Pripstein, M,
Production from Kaon, Proton and Antiproton
Beams in the Triple Regge Region,'' Nuclear Physics, B177,
1 (1981).
- Fox, G. C., Tse, T.-Y., Wolfram, S., ``Event Shapes in Deep
Inelastic Lepton-Hadron Scattering,'' Nuclear Physics, B165, 80
- Fox, G. C., Wolfram, S., ``Two and Three-Point Energy
Correlations in Hadronic
Annihilation,'' Zeitschrift fur
Physik, 4C, 237 (1980).
- Fox, G. C. with experimental groups at Caltech, Chicago
Circle, Fermilab and Indiana, ``D and E Mesons and Possible KKK
Enhancements,'' paper presented at the Sixth Conference on
Experimental Meson Spectroscopy, Upton, New York, April 25--26, 1980.
- Fox, G. C. with experimental groups at Caltech, Chicago
Circle, Fermilab and Indiana, ``Observations of the D and E Mesons and
Possible Three Kaon Enhancement in
,'' Phys. Rev., D22, 1513 (1980).
- Fox, G. C. and Wolfram S., ``A Model for Parton Showers in
QCD,'' Nuclear Physics, B168, 285 (1980).
- Fox, G. C. and Romans L., ``A Longer Note on Top Quarks,''
Fermilab Colliding Beam Detector Facility Note CDF-70 (1980),
- Fox, G. C., ``Untangling Jets from Hadronic Final States,''
lectures given at the 1981 SLAC Summer School, Proceedings of the SLAC
Summer School, August, 1981; Caltech preprint, CALT-68-863.
- Fox, G. C., Gupta, R., Martin, O., and Otto, S., ``Monte
Carlo Estimates of the Mass Gap of the 0(2) and 0(3) Spin Models in
1+1 Dimensions,'' Nuclear Physics, B205, 188 (l982).
- Fox, G. C., (with Particle Data Group), ``Compilation of
High Energy Physics Data: Inventory of the Particle Data Group
Holdings 1980,'' LBL-92, CALT-68- 821, unpublished preprint,
(December, 1980).
- Fox, G. C., Cole, C. A., Wolfram, S., Greif, J. M.,
Mjolsness, E. D., Romans, L. J., Shaw, T., and Terrano, A. E. ``SMP:
A Symbolic Manipulation Program.''
- Fox, G. C., Kelly, R. L., ``Gluon Bremstrahlung Effects in
Hadron-Hadron Scatterings,'' in
Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics---l981, AIP Conference proceedings
number 85 edited by V. Barger, D. Cline and F. Helzen (AIP, l982).
- Fox, G. C., Field, R. D., and Kelly, R. L., ``Gluon
Bremstrahlung Effects in Hadron-Hadron Collisions,'' Physics Letters,
119B, 439 (1982).
- Fox, G. C. and Field, R. D., ``QCD Monte Carlo Models for
Annihilations and Hadron-Hadron Collisions'', Invited talk at
Europhysics Study Conference on Jet Dynamics in Quark and Lepton
Interactions, Erice, September, 1982.
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, Fermilab,
Chicago Circle and Indiana), ``A Study of
Production in the
at 50, 100 and 175 GeV,''
Phys. Rev., D27, 1 (1983).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, Fermilab,
Chicago Circle and Indiana), ``A Study of the Reaction
at l00 and
'' Nuclear
Physics, B232, 189 (1984).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, Fermilab,
Chicago Circle and Indiana), ``Highlights of the Reaction
at l00 and
,'' Phys
Rev., D29, 588 (1984).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, Fermilab,
Chicago Circle and Indiana), ``Numerical Tables of Measurements from
Fermilab Experiment E110 for the Reactions
,'' CALT-68-952 unpublished
memo (1982).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups from Caltech, U.C.
Davis, U.C. San Diego, Carleton, LBL, Michigan State), ``An
SU(3)-Based Comparison Between Inclusive Kaon and Pion Charge Exchange
Scattering in the Triple Regge Region,'' Nuclear Physics,
B206, 173 (1982).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups from Caltech, U.C.
Davis, U.C. San Diego, Carleton, LBL, Michigan State), ``A Compilation
of Cross-Sections for Inclusive Kaon and Pion Charge Exchange,''
CALT-68-895 unpublished memo (1982).
- Fox, G. C., Brooks, E., Otto, S., Randeria, M., Athas, W.,
DeBenedictis, E., Newton, M., and Seitz C., ``Glueball Mass
Calculations on an Array of Computers,'' Nuclear Physics,
B220, 383 (1983).
- Fox, G. C., ``Use of IBM Personal Computers in the Caltech
Physics Department'', October 1983 in Proceedings of 8th IBM
University Study Conference.
- Fox, G. C., ``Scientific Calculations with Ensemble
Computers,'' Invited talk at the three day in-depth review on the
Impact of Specialized Processors in Elementary Particle Physics.
(University of Padua, 1983), Caltech report C3P-37.
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, Fermilab,
Chicago Circle, and Indiana), ``Production of the
system in
interactions at 50, 100, and
,'' Phys. Rev., D30, 2411 (1984).
- Fox, G. C., ``Concurrent Processing for Scientific
Calculations,'' proceedings of the COMPCON '84 28th IEEE Computer
Society International Conference, page 70, February 27--March 1, 1984,
Caltech report C3P-48.
- Fox, G. C., Brooks, E., Johnson, M., Otto, S., Stolorz, P.,
Athas, W., DeBenedictis, E., Faucette, R., Seitz, C., and Stack, J.,
``Pure Gauge SU(3) Lattice Theory on an Array of Computers,'' Phys.
Rev. Letters, 52, 2324 (1984), Caltech report C3P-65.
- Fox, G. C. and Otto, S., ``Algorithms for Concurrent
Processors,'' Physics Today, May 1984. Translated into Japanese in
Nikkei Electronics, July, 1985, Caltech report C3P-71.
- Fox, G. C., ``Use of IBM-PC's in Physics Education at
Caltech,'' December 1984 in Proceedings of 9th IBM University Study
- Fox, G. C., ``Are Concurrent Processors General Purpose
Computers?,'' Proceedings of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October
31, 1984. Published in February 1985 issue of IEEE Transactions of
N.P.S.S., Vol. 34, Caltech report C3P-122.
- Fox, G. C., ``The Performance of the Caltech Hypercube in
Scientific Calculations---a Preliminary Analysis,'' in
Supercomputers-Algorithms, Architectures, and Scientific Computation,
edited by F. A. Matsen and T. Tajima, University of Texas Press
(1987), Caltech report C3P-161.
- Fox, G. C., Lyzenga, G., Rogstad, D. and Otto, S., ``The
Caltech Concurrent Computation Program,'' published in Proceedings of
Computers in Engineering Conference, August 4-8, Boston 1985,
Caltech report C3P-157.
- Fox, G. C., ``Using the Caltech Hypercube,'' IEEE
Software, July 1985, Caltech report C3P-162.
- Fox, G. C. and Otto, S., ``The Caltech Concurrent
Computation Program---A Status Report,'' published in a theme issue on
supercomputing in the magazine Computers in Mechanical
Engineering, published by ASME and Springer Verlag, March 1986,
Caltech report C3P-157b.
- Fox, G. C., Hey, A. and Otto, S., ``Matrix Algorithms on
the Hypercube I: Matrix Multiplication,'' Parallel Computing,
4, 17 (1987), Caltech report C3P-206.
- Fox, G. C., Otto, S. and Umland, E., ``Monte Carlo Physics
on a Concurrent Processor,'' published in the Proceedings of
Frontiers of Quantum Monte Carlo Conference at Los Alamos,
September 6, 1985---published in special issue of Journal of
Statistical Physics, Vol. 43, 1209, Plenum Press, 1986, Caltech report
- Fox, G. C. and Otto, S., ``Concurrent Computation and the
Theory of Complex Systems'', Hypercube Multiprocessors,
1986, edited by M. T. Heath, SIAM (1986) 244, Caltech report C3P-255.
- Fox, G. C., Kennett, R. G., Barnes, A. V., Walker, R. L.
Dahl, O. I., Keeney, R. W. Ogawa, A. and Propstein, M., ``The
Production of Neutral Pions from 200 GeV
Collisions in the
High X-Region.'' CALT-68-1367; Nucl. Phys., B284:(3--4),
653--673 (1987).
- Fox. G. C., ``Questions and Unexpected Answers in
Concurrent Computation'', CALT-68- 1403, June 16, 1986. Published by
the North-Holland in Experimental Parallel Computing
Architectures. (Jack Dongarra, Editor), Caltech report C3P-288.
- Fox, G. C., ``Caltech Concurrent Computation Program Annual
Report for 1985-86'', CALT- 68-1404, October 13, 1986, published in
Hypercube Multiprocessors, 1987, edited by M. T. Heath, SIAM (1987)
353, Caltech report C3P-290b.
- Fox, G. C, ``A Graphical Approach to Load Balancing and
Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on the Hypercube'', CALT-68-1406,
July 22, 1986. The Proceedings for the Workshop on Numerical
Algorithms for Modern Parallel Computer Architectures, held at the IMA
in November 1985, published as Volume 13 in the IMA Volumes in
Mathematics and Its Applications, Numerical Algorithms for Modern
Parallel Computer Architectures, (Springer-Verlag), New York, Caltech
report C3P-327b.
- Fox, G. C. and Furmanski, W., ``Communication Algorithms
for Regular Convolutions on the Hypercube'', Hypercube
Multiprocessors, 1987, edited by M. T. Heath, SIAM (1987) 233, Caltech
report C3P-329.
- Fox, G. C., Ho, A., Walker, D. and Montry G. (Sandia), ``A
Comparison of the Performance of the Caltech Mark II Hypercube and the
Elxsi 6400'', Hypercube Multiprocessors, 1987, edited by M. T. Heath,
SIAM (1987), 210, Caltech report C3P-356.
- Fox, G. C., ``A Review of Automatic Load Balancing and
Decomposition Methods for the Hypercube'', November 1986. The
Proceedings for the Workshop on Numerical Algorithms for Modern
Parallel Computer Architectures, held at the IMA in November 1985,
published as Volume 13 in the IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its
Applications, Numerical Algorithms for Modern Parallel Computer
Architectures, (Springer-Verlag), New York, Caltech report C3P-385.
- Fox, G. C., ``The Hypercube as a Supercomputer'', January
7, 1987. Presented at the Second International Conference on
Supercomputing at Santa Clara, May 1987. Published by the
International Supercomputing Institute, Inc., St. Petersburg, Florida,
May 1987, Caltech report C3P-391.
- Fox, G. C., ``Domain Decomposition in Distributed and
Shared Memory Environment---I: A Uniform Decomposition and
Performance Analysis for the NCUBE and JPL Mark IIIfp Hypercubes,''
Supercomputing, June 8--12, 87, Athens, Greece. Published in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by E. N. Houstis, T.
S. Papatheodorou, and C. D. Polychronopoulos, Springer-Verlag
(1987), Vol. 297, 1042--1073, Caltech report C3P-392.
- Fox. G. C., ``The Hypercube and the Caltech Concurrent
Computation Program, A Microcosm of Parallel Computing,'' Special
Purpose Computers, edited by B. J. Alder, Academic Press, Inc.
(1988), 1--40, Caltech report C3P-422.
- Fox, G. C., Kim, J. S. Aloisio, G. and Veneziani N. ``A
Concurrent Implementation of the Prime Factor Algorithm on
Hypercube,'' September 1987. Caltech report C3P-468.
- Fox, G. C., Furmanski, W., ``The Physical Structure of
Concurrent Problems and Concurrent Computers,'' Phil.
Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 326, 411--444 (1988). Also published in
Scientific Applications of Multiprocessors, edited by R. J. Elliott
and C. A. R. Hoare, Prentice Hall (1988), 55--88. Caltech report
- Fox, G. C., Walker, D., ``A Portable Programming
Environment for Multiprocessors,'' in the Proceedings of the 12th
IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computing, July 18--22, 1988,
Paris, France. Caltech report C3P-496.
- Fox, G. C. and Kolawa, A., ``Use of the Hypercube for
Symbolic Quantum Chromodynamics,'' in Proceedings of the Third
Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume
2, edited by G. C. Fox, ACM Press (1988), 1408--1419, Caltech report C3P-182c.
- Fox, G. C. and Furmanski W. ``Optimal Communication
Algorithms for Regular Decompositions on the Hypercube,'' in
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, Volume 1, edited by G. C. Fox, ACM Press (1988),
648--713, Caltech report C3P-314b.
- Fox, G. C., Cisneros, T., Furmanski, W., and Walker, D. W.,
``LU Decomposition of Banded Matrices and the Solution of Linear
Systems on Hypercubes,'' in Proceedings of the Third Conference on
Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume 2, edited by G.
C. Fox, ACM Press (1988), 1635--1655, Caltech report C3P-348b.
- Fox, G. C. and Furmanski, W. ``Load Balancing Loosely
Synchronous Problems with a Neural Network,'' in Proceedings of the
Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications,
Volume 1, edited by G. C. Fox, ACM Press (1988), 241--278, Caltech
report C3P-363b.
- Fox, G. C. and Walker, D. ``Optimal Matrix Algorithms on
Homogeneous Hypercubes,'' in Proceedings of the Third Conference on
Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume 2, edited by
G. C. Fox, ACM Press (1988), 1656--1673, Caltech report C3P-386b.
- Fox. G. C., Bhalla, U., Furmanski, W., Nelson, M. Wilson,
M., and Bower, J. ``Structural Simulations of Neural Networks Using a
General-Purpose Neural Network Simulator and a Hypercube Concurrent
Computer,'' in Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube
Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume 2, edited by G. C. Fox,
ACM Press (1988), 977--999, Caltech report C3P-404b.
- Fox, G. C. and Furmanski, W. ``Hypercube Algorithms for
Neural Network Simulation---The Crystal_Accumulator and the
Crystal_Router,'' in Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube
Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume 1, edited by G. C. Fox,
ACM Press (1988), 714--724, Caltech report C3P-405b.
- Walker, D. W., Fox, G. C. and Montry, G. R., ``The
Flux-Corrected Transport Algorithm on the NCUBE Hypercube,'' in
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, Volume 2, edited by G. C. Fox, ACM Press (1988),
1117--1126, Caltech report C3P-495.
- Fox, G. C. and Furmanski, W., ``A String Theory of
Automatic Decomposition,'' in Proceedings of the Third Conference on
Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume 1, edited by G.
C. Fox, ACM Press (1988), 285--305, Caltech report C3P-521.
- Fox, G. C., ``What Have We Learnt from Using Real Parallel
Machines to Solve Real Problems,'' in Proceedings of the Third
Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume
2, edited by G. C. Fox, ACM Press (1988), 897--955, Caltech report
- Fox, G. C. and Frey, A., ``Problems and Approaches for a
Teraflop Processor,'' in Proceedings of the Third Conference on
Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume 1, edited by
G. C. Fox, ACM Press (1988), 21--25, Caltech report C3P-606.
- Fox, G. and Furmanski, W. ``Integrated Vision on a Network
of Computers,'' Invited paper at Fourth International Symposium on
Biological and Artificial Intelligence Systems, published in
Biological and Artificial Intelligence Systems, ESCOM Science
Publishers, Caltech report C3P-623 (1988).
- Fox, G. C., and Messina, P., ``Advanced Computer
Architectures,'' Scientific American, 255/10, (October
1987), Caltech report C3P-476.
- Gupta, R., DeLapp, J., Batrouni, G., Fox, G., Baillie, C.,
and Apostolakis, J., ``The phase transition in the 2-d XY model,''
Phys. Rev. Lett., 61, 1996 (1988), Caltech report C3P-643.
- Fox, G. C., ``Issues in Software Development for Concurrent
Computers,'' in the Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual
International Computer Software and Applications Conference, edited
by G. J. Knafl, Computer Society Press of the IEEE (1988), 302--305,
Caltech report C3P-640.
- Fox, G. C., and Walker, D., ``Concurrent Supercomputers in
Science,'' in Proceedings of the Conference on Computers in Physics
Instruction, Edward F. Redish and John S. Risley (eds.),
Addison-Wesley (1989), 346--361. Conference held in Raleigh, North
Carolina, August 1--5, 1988. Caltech Technical Report C3P-646.
- Fox, G. C., and Koller, J., ``Code Generation by a Generalized
Neural Network: General Principles and Elementary Examples,''
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 6, 388--410
(1989), Caltech report C3P-650b.
- Fox, G. C., ``Theory and Practice of Concurrent Systems,''
in Proceedings of International Conference on Fifth Generation
Computer Systems, ICOT (November 1988), 157--160, Caltech report
- Fox, G. C., Furmanski, W., and Koller, J., ``The Use of
Neural Networks in Parallel Software Systems,'' in Mathematics and
Computers in Simulation, 31/6, 485--495 (1989), Caltech report
- Ho, A., Fox, G. C., Snyder, S., Chu, D., and Mylner, T.,
``Three-Dimensional Asteroids Using Parallel Graphics on nCUBE: A
Testbed for Evaluating Controller Algorithms,'' in the Proceedings of
the Fourth Conference on Hypercubes, Concurrent Computers and
Applications, John L. Gustafson (ed.), Golden Gate Enterprises, Los
Altos, CA (March, 1989), 1177. Caltech Technical Report C3P-681b.
- Fox, G., Furmanski, W., Ho, A., Koller, J., Simic, P., and
Wong, Y., ``Neural Networks and Dynamic Complex Systems,'' in
1989 SCS Eastern Conference held in Tampa, Florida, March 28--31,
1989. Caltech report C3P-695.
- Koller, J., Fox, G. C., and Furmanski, W., ``Physical
Optimization and Dynamic Load Balancing,'' Caltech report C3P-670
- Fox, G. C., ``1989---The First Year of the Parallel
Supercomputer,'' in the Proceedings of the Fourth
Conference on Hypercubes, Concurrent Computers and Applications, John
L. Gustafson (ed.), Golden Gate Enterprises, Los Altos, CA (March
1989), 1. Caltech Technical Report C3P-769.
- Fox, G. C., ``Parallel Computing Comes of Age: Supercomputer Level
Parallel Computations at Caltech,'' Concurrency: Practice and
Experience, 1/1, 63--103, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. (1989).
Caltech report C3P-795.
- Fox, G., Hipes, P., and Salmon, J., ``Practical Parallel
Supercomputing: Examples from Chemistry and Physics,'' in
Proceedings of Supercomputing '89, ACM Press (1989), 58--70. Caltech
report C3P-818.
- Aloisio, G., Lopinto, E., and Fox, G. C., ``A Method to
Reduce the Inter-node Communications for a Concurrent Implementation of
the Prime Factor Algorithm'', in the Proceedings of the Fourth
Conference on Hypercubes, Concurrent Computers and Applications, John
L. Gustafson (ed.), Golden Gate Enterprises, Los Altos, CA (March
1989), 1079. Caltech Technical Report C3P-773.
- Aloisio, G. Veneziani, N., Fox, G., and Milillo, G.,
``Computational Load Evaluation for the Real-Time Compression of X-SAR
Raw Data'', Space Technology, 10(4), 189-199, November
1990. Caltech Technical Report C3P-740b.
- Baillie, C. F., and Fox, G. C., ``Parallel Computing Comes
of Age: Supercomputer Calculations for Lattice QCD and Spin Models on
Advanced Architecture Computers'', in High Performance Computing,
J.-L. Delhaye and E. Gelenbe (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers,
North-Holland, Amsterdam (1990). European Symposium held in
Montpellier, France, March 22--24, 1989. Caltech Technical Report
- Ding, H.-Q., Baillie, C. F., and Fox, G. C., ``Calculation
of the Heavy Quark Potential at Large Separation on a Hypercube Parallel
Computer,'' Phys. Rev., D41(9), 2912--2916 (May
1990). Caltech report C3P-779b.
- Aloisio, G., Veneziani, N., Kim, J., and Fox, G., ``The
Prime Factor Non-binary Discrete Fourier Transform and use of
Crystal_Router as a General Purpose Communication Routine,''
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent
Computers and Applications, Volume 2, edited by G. C. Fox, ACM Press
(1988), 1322--1327. Caltech report C3P-523.
- Liewer, P., Decyk, V., Dawson, J., and Fox, G., ``A
Universal Concurrent Algorithm for Plasma Particle-in-Cell Simulation
Codes,'' in Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube
Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume 2, edited by G. C. Fox,
ACM Press (1988), 1101--1107. Caltech report C3P-562.
- Ho, A. Fox, G., Walker, D., Breaden, W., Chen, S., Knutson,
A., and Kuwamato, S., ``MAC-CUBE, the Macintosh-Based Hypercube,''
in Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent
Computers and Applications, Volume 1, edited by G. C. Fox, ACM Press
(1988), 98--103. Caltech report C3P-573.
- Ho, A., Fox, G., Walker, D., Snyder, S., Chang, D., Chen,
S., Breaden, M., and Cole, T., ``PC-CUBE, A Personal Computer Based
Hypercube,'' in Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube
Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume 1, edited by G. C. Fox,
ACM Press (1988), 92--97. Caltech report C3P-587.
- Fox, G., Ho, A., Messina, P., and Cole, T., ``Hands-on
Parallel Processing,'' BYTE, 14/10, 287--293,
McGraw-Hill, Inc. (1989). Caltech report C3P-828.
- Kennett, R., Barnes, A., Fox, G., Walker, R., Dahl, O.,
Kenney, R., Ogawa, A., and Pripstein, M., ``The Production of Neutral
Pions from 200 GeV
Collisions in the High x Region,''
Nuclear Physics, B284, North-Holland (1987) 653--673.
- Furmanski, W., and Fox, G. C.,
``MOVIE---a software environment for modeling complex adaptive
systems.'' Technical Report C3P-838, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA, October 1989.
Presented at SPIE Conference, Philadelphia, 1989. Syracuse University
Technical Report SCCS-539.
Reports and Papers Prepared at Syracuse University (1990--1996)
- Balasundaram, V., Fox, G., Kennedy, K., and Kremer, U.
``Static performance estimation in a data partitioning tool,'' in
Third ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of
Parallel Programming (PPoPP). ACM, April 1990.
Held in Williamsburgh, Virginia. SCCS-14b. [Balasundaram:90i]
- Fox, G. C.
``Applications of parallel supercomputers: scientific results and
computer science lessons,'' in M. A. Arbib and J. A. Robinson,
editors, Natural and Artificial Parallel Computation,
Chapter 4, pages 47--90. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990. Invited
presentation at the Inaugural Symposium for the Center for Science
and Technology, Syracuse, New York. SCCS-23. Caltech Report
C3P-806b. [Fox:90o]
Fox, G. C.
``Hardware and software architectures for irregular problem
architectures,'' in P. Mehrotra, J. Saltz, and R. Voigt, editors,
Unstructured Scientific Computation on Scalable Microprocessors, pages
125--160. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992.
Scientific and Engineering Computation Series. Held by ICASE in Nags
Head, North Carolina. SCCS-111; CRPC-TR91164. [Fox:90p]
Gandhi, A., and Fox, G. C.
``Solving problems in navigation.'' Technical Report SCCS-9, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, 1990.
Unpublished. [Gandhi:90a]
Keppenne, G. L., Ghil, M., Fox, G. C., Flower, J. W., Kolawa, A.,
Papaccio, P. N., Rosati, J. J., Shepanski, J. F., Spadaro, F. G., and
Dickey, J. O. ``Parallel processing applied to climate modeling,''
TRW Quest Magazine, 13(2):54--64, 1990/1991. SCCS-22b.
Rose, K., Gurewitz, E., and Fox, G. C.
``Statistical mechanics and phase transitions in clustering,''
Physical Review Letters, 65(8):945--948, August 1990.
Caltech Report C3P-893. [Rose:90c]
Wu, M.-Y., and Fox, G. C.
``Test suite and performance for Fortran90 compilers.'' Technical
Report SCCS-40, Syracuse Center for Computational Science, Syracuse, NY,
1990. [Wu:90b]
Wu, M.-Y., and Fox, G. C.
``An outline of Fortran90 compiler for distributed memory systems.''
Technical Report SCCS-41, Syracuse Center for Computational Science,
Syracuse, NY, 1990. [Wu:90c]
Apostolakis, J., Baillie, C., and Fox, G. C.
``Investigation of the two-dimensional O(3) model using the
overrelaxation algorithm,'' Physical Review D, 43(8):2687--2693, April
1991. COLO-HEP-231, CRPC-TR90078, SCCS-65.
Caltech Report C3P-943b. [Apostolakis:91a]
Apostolakis, J., Baillie, C. F., and Fox, G. C.
``The 2-d O(3) model by overrelaxation,'' Nuclear Physics B
(Proc. Suppl), 20:678, 1991; SCCS-101. [Apostolakis:91b]
Fox, G. C.
``FortranD as a portable software system for parallel computers,''
in Proceedings of Supercomputing USA/Pacific 91, pages 82--91, 1991.
Held in Santa Clara, California. Syracuse University, NPAC Technical
Report SCCS-91; CRPC--TR91128. [Fox:91d]
Fox, G. C., Hiranandani, S., Kennedy, K., Koelbel, C., Kremer, U., Tseng,
C.-W., and Wu, M.-Y.
``Fortran D language specification.'' Technical Report SCCS-42c,
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, April 1991.
CRPC-TR90079. [Fox:91e]
Fox, G. C., ``Achievements and prospects for parallel
computing'', Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 3(6):725--739,
December 1991. Special Issue: Practical Parallel Computing: Status and
Prospects. Guest Editors: Paul Messina and Almerico Murli. SCCS-29b,
C3P-927b, CRPC-TR90083. Invited talk at International Conference
on Parallel Computing: Achievements, Problems and Prospects,
Anacapri, Italy, June 3--9, 1990. [Fox:91f]
Fox, G. C.
``The architecture of problems and portable parallel software
systems.'' Technical Report SCCS-134, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, July 1991. Revised SCCS-78b. [Fox:91g]
Fox, G. C., and Mansour, N.
``An evolutionary approach to load balancing parallel computations,''
in Proceedings of Sixth Distributed Memory Computing Conference,
pages 200--203. IEEE Computer Society Press, May 1991. SCCS-25b.
Fox, G. C.
``Physical computation,'' Concurrency: Practice and Experience,
3(6):627--653, December 1991.
Special Issue: Practical Parallel Computing: Status and Prospects.
Guest Editors: Paul Messina and Almerico Murli. SCCS-2b, C3P-928b,
CRPC-TR90090. [Fox:91j]
Fox, G. C.
``Lessons from massively parallel architectures on message passing
computers,'' in The 37th Annual IEEE International Computer Conference,
COMPCON '92. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, December 1991.
Held February 24--28, 1992 in San Francisco, California.
CRPC-TR91192; SCCS-214. [Fox:91m]
Mansour, N., and Fox, G.
``Physical optimization methods for allocating data to multicomputer
nodes,'' in Proceedings of System Design Synthesis Technology
Workshop, pages 169--182, September 1991. Naval Surface Warfare
Center, Silver Spring, MD. SCCS-122. [Mansour:91d]
Moore, A., Fox, G. C., Allman, J., and Goodman, R.
``A VLSI neural network for color constancy,'' in D. S. Touretzky
and R. Lippman, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems 3. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1991. SCCS-48.
Caltech Report C3P-956. [Moore:91a]
Wu, M., Fox, G. C., and Shu, W.
``DO and FORALL: Temporal and spatial control structures.''
Technical Report SCCS-139, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, 1991.
CRPC-TR91189. [Wu:91e]
Ahmad, I., Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Parasuram, K., Ponnusamy, R.,
Ranka, S., and Thakur, R.
``Implementation and scalability of Fortran 90D intrinsic functions
on distributed memory machines.'' Technical Report SCCS-256, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1992.
Ahmad, I., Ghafoor, A., and Fox, G.
``Allocation of computations with dynamic structures on hypercube
based distributed systems,'' in Proceedings of the 1st International
Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing, pages 228--237. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 1992. SCCS-221c. [Ahmad:92b]
Bozkus, Z., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``Benchmarking the CM-5 multicomputer,'' in Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation. Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report
SCCS-257, March 1992. [Bozkus:92a]
Cheng, G., Faigle, C., Fox, G. C., Furmanski, W., Li, B., and Mills, K.
``Exploring AVS for HPDC software integration: Case studies
towards parallel support for GIS.'' Technical Report SCCS-473, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1992.
Paper presented at the 2nd Annual International AVS Conference
The Magic of Science: AVS '93, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, May 24--26, 1993.
Choudhary, A., Fox, G. C., Ranka, S., Hiranandani, S., Kennedy, K., Koelbel,
C., and Tseng, C.
``Compiling Fortran 77D and 90D for MIMD distributed-memory
machines,'' in Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on the Frontiers of
Massively Parallel Computation: Frontiers '92, pages 4--11. IEEE Computer
Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, October 1992.
Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-251. CRPC-TR92203.
Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Hiranandani, S., Kennedy, K., Koelbel, C., Ranka, S.,
and Saltz, J.
``A classification of irregular loosely synchronous problems and
their support in scalable parallel software systems,'' in DARPA Software
Technology Conference 1992 Proceedings, pages 138--149, April 1992.
Syracuse Technical Report SCCS-255. [Choudhary:92d]
Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Ranka, S., Hiranandani, S., Kennedy, K., Koelbel, C.,
and Saltz, J.
``Software support for irregular and loosely synchronous problems,''
Computing Systems in Engineering, 3(1--4):43--52, 1992.
CSE-MS 118, SCCS-297b, CRPC-TR92258. [Choudhary:92e]
Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Haupt, T., and Ranka, S.
``Which applications can use high performance Fortran and
FortranD---industry standard data parallel languages?,'' in
Proceedings of Fifth Australian Supercomputing Conference, World
Congress Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 117--124, December 1992.
SCCS-360, CRPC-TR92264. [Choudhary:92g]
Chrisochoides, N., Droegemeir, K., Fox, G., and Mills, K.
``A methodology for developing high performance computing models:
Storm-scale weather prediction.'' Technical Report SCCS-402, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December 1992. [Chrisochoides:92b]
Fox, G., Choudhary, A., Ranka, S., Kennedy, K., and Koelbel, C.,
``FortranD: Scalable and Portable Software Modules for
SIMD and MIMD Distributed Memory Parallel Computers,''
Published-Presentation No. 4., DARPA HPC High Performance Software PI
Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 15-17, 1992.
Fox, G. C.
``The use of physics concepts in computation,'' in B. A. Huberman,
editor, Computation: The Micro and the Macro View, Chapter 3,
103--154. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., 1992.
SCCS-237, CRPC-TR92198. Caltech Report C3P-974. [Fox:92c]
Fox, G. C.
``Parallel computing and education,'' Daedalus Journal of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 121(1):111--118, 1992.
CRPC-TR91123, SCCS-83. Caltech Report C3P-958. [Fox:92d]
Fox, G. C.
``Parallel computing in industry---an initial survey,'' in
Proceedings of Fifth Australian Supercomputing Conference (supplement),
pages 1--10. Communications Services, Melbourne, December 1992.
Held at World Congress Centre, Melbourne, Australia. Syracuse
University Technical Report SCCS-302b. CRPC-TR92219. [Fox:92e]
Fox, G. C.
``Approaches to physical optimization,'' in Proceedings of 5th
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processes for Scientific Computation,
J. Dongarra, K. Kennedy, P. Messina, D. Sorensen, and R. Voight,
editors, SIAM, pages 153--162, 1992. SCCS-92, CRPC-TR91124. Caltech
Report C3P-959. [Fox:92i]
Fox, G. C., Mohamed, G. A., von Laszewski, G., and Parashar, M.
``On the parallelization of blocked LU factorization algorithms for
distributed memory architectures,'' in Supercomputing '92, pages
170--179. IEEE Computer Society Press, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, November 1992.
CRPC-TR92210. SCCS-271c. [Fox:92j]
Fox, G. C., and Balasundaram, V.
``Parallel programming as an optimization problem,'' in Expert
Systems for Scientific Computing, E. N. Houstis, J. R. Rice, and
R. Vichnovetsky, editors, pages 125--156. Elsevier Science
Publishers B.V., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992.
Invited talk given at Second International Conference on Expert
Systems for Scientific Computing, Purdue University, April 24, 1990.
SCCS-110, CRPC-TR90161. Caltech Report C3P-891. [Fox:92k]
Fox, G. C.
``Fox explores prospects for parallel computing,'' printed article
in Chemical Design Automation News, 7(6), 14--22. Technical
Report SCCS-265b, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, June
1992. [Fox:92m]
Fox, G., Mohamed, G., von Laszewski, G., Parashar, M., Lin, N., and Yeh, N.
``High performance scalable matrix algebra algorithms for distributed
memory architectures.'' Technical Report SCCS-271, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, April 1992. [Fox:92n]
Hiranandani, S., Kennedy, K., Koelbel, C., Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Ranka, S.,
and Saltz, J.
``A classification of irregular loosely synchronous problems and
their support in scalable parallel software systems.'' Technical Report
SCCS-291, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, April 1992.
Kennedy, K., Koelbel, C., Hiranandani, S., Fox, G., Choudhary, A., Haupt, T.,
Ranka, S., Bordawekar, R., Bozkus, Z., Thakur, R., and Wang, J.
``Extended high performance Fortran: Fortran90D.'' Technical Report
SCCS-422, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, November 1992.
Li, Y., Wu, M., Shu, W., and Fox, G.
``Linear programming algorithms and parallel implementations.''
Technical Report SCCS-288, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, May 1992.
Mansour, N., and Fox, G. C.,
``Allocating data to multicomputer nodes by physical optimization
algorithms for loosely synchronous computations,'' Concurrency:
Practice and Experience, 4(7):557--574, 1992. SCCS-350,
CRPC-TR92262. [Mansour:92a]
Mansour, N., and Fox, G.
``Parallel genetic algorithms with application to load balancing for
parallel computation.'' Technical Report SCCS-74c, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, June 1992.
Published in Supercomputing Symposium '92, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Mansour, N., and Fox, G.
``A comparison of load balancing algorithms for parallel
computations,'' in Proceedings of Supercomputing Symposium '92,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 1992; SCCS-154b. [Mansour:92c]
Mansour, N., and Fox, G. C.
``Parallel physical optimization algorithms for data mapping,'' in
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing
CONPAR '92, Lyons, France, June 1992. SCCS-240. [Mansour:92e]
Mills, K., Cheng, G., Vinson, M., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``Software issues and performance of a parallel model for stock
option pricing,'' in Proceedings of the Fifth Australian
Supercomputing Conference, pages 125--134, December 1992. Held in
Melbourne, Australia. SCCS-273b. [Mills:92b]
Mills, K., Fox, G. C., and Heimbach, R.
``Implementing spatial environmental models on parallel computing
systems,'' Computers and Geosciences, 18(8):1047--1054, December 1992.
SCCS-150. [Mills:92d]
Mills, K., Fox, G., McCracken, N., and Mehrota, A.
``A comparison of CM Fortran and C* implementations of a climate
modeling application on the Connection Machine-2.'' Technical Report
SCCS-262, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1992.
Mills, K., Cheng, G., Vinson, M., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``Software issues and performance of a stock option pricing model on
the Connection Machine-2 and DECmpp-12000.'' Technical Report
SCCS-273, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, September 1992.
Mills, K., Cheng, G., Vinson, M., and Fox, G.
``Expressing dynamic, asymmetric, two-dimensional arrays for
improved performance on the DECmpp-12000.'' Technical Report
SCCS-261, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1992.
Mohamed, A. G., Fox, G. C., and von Laszewski, G.
``Blocked LU factorization on a multiprocessor computer,''
Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 8(1):45--56, March 1992.
An International Journal from Elsevier Applied Science, ASCE 1991
Engineering Mechanics Conference, Mechanics Computing in the 1990s and
Beyond; CRPC-TR92212, SCCS-94b. [Mohamed:92a]
Parashar, M., Hariri, S., Mohamed, A., and Fox, G.
``A comparative study of blocked LU decomposition on hypercube
computers and networked workstations.'' Technical Report SCCS-295, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, September 1992. [Parashar:92a]
Parashar, M., Hariri, S., Mohamed, A., and Fox, G.
``A requirement analysis for high-performance distributed computing
over LAN's,'' in 1st International Symposium on High-Performance
Distributed Computing Over LANS, pages 142--151. IEEE Computer Society
Press, September 1992. SCCS-295b. [Parashar:92b]
Ponnusamy, R., Thakur, R., Choudhary, A., and Fox, G.
``Scheduling regular and irregular communication patterns on the
CM-5,'' in Proceedings of Supercomputing '92, IEEE Computer
Society Press. CRPC-TR92257; Technical Report SCCS-274, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, April 1992. [Ponnusamy:92a]
Ponnusamy, R., Choudhary, A., and Fox, G.
``Communication overhead on CM5: an experimental performance
evaluation,'' in Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on the
Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computing, 108--115. CRPC-TR92255.
Technical Report SCCS-252, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, March 1992. [Ponnusamy:92d]
Ranka, S., Fox, G., Saltz, J., and Das, R.,
``Parallelization of CHARMM molecular dynamics code on multicomputers,''
Preliminary version, September 1992. Technical Report SCCS-236,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY. [Ranka:92a]
Ranka, S., Wang, J., and Fox, G.
``Static and runtime algorithms for All-to-Many personalized
communication on permutation networks.'' Technical Report SCCS-340, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December 1992. [Ranka:92b]
Tallent, J., Hyde, E., Findsen, L., Fox, G., and Birge, R.
``Molecular dynamics of the primary photochemical event in
rhodopsin,'' in Journal of the American Chemical Society,
114(5):1581--1592. Technical Report SCCS-266, Syracuse University,
NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1992. [Tallent:92a]
Wu, M., and Fox, Geoffrey, C.
``Fortran 90D compiler for distributed memory MIMD parallel
computers.'' Technical Report SCCS-88c, Syracuse Center for Computational
Science, Syracuse, NY, March 1992. [Wu:92a]
Wu, M.-Y., and Fox, G. C.
``A test suite approach for Fortran90D compilers for MIMD
distributed memory parallel computers,'' in Proceedings of Scalable
High Performance Computing Conference '92, IEEE Computer Society
Press. CRPC-TR92254. Technical Report SCCS-244, Syracuse University,
NPAC, Syracuse, NY, April 1992. [Wu:92b]
Ahmad, I., Bordawekar, R., Bozkus, Z., Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Parasuram, K.,
Ponnusamy, R., Ranka, S., and Thakur, R.
``Implementation and scalability of Fortran 90D intrinsic functions
on distributed memory machines,'' in Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences, January 1993. Syracuse University,
NPAC Technical Report SCCS-669; CRPC-TR92256. [Ahmad:93a]
Bozkus, Z., Choudhary, A., Fox, G. C., Haupt, T., and Ranka, S.
``Fortran 90D/HPF compiler for distributed memory MIMD
computers: Design, implementation, and performance results,'' in
Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, November, 1993, p. 351.
IEEE Computer Society Press. Syracuse University, NPAC Technical
Report SCCS-498. [Bozkus:93a]
Bozkus, Z., Choudhary, A., Fox, G. C., Haupt, T., and Ranka, S.
``A compilation approach for Fortran 90D/HPF compilers on
distributed memory MIMD computers,'' in Proceedings of the
Sixth Annual Workshop on Languages and Compilers for
Parallel Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 200--215. U. Banerjee, D. Gelernter, A.
Nicolau, and D. Padua (editors). Syracuse University, NPAC Technical
Report SCCS-499, August 1993. [Bozkus:93c]
Bozkus, Z., Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Ranka, S., and Wu, M.
``Fortran90D compiler for distributed memory MIMD parallel
computers.'' Technical Report SCCS-432, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, January 1993. [Bozkus:93d]
Bozkus, Z., Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Haupt, T., and Ranka, S.
``Compiling HPF for distributed memory MIMD computers,''
in Impact of Compilation Technology on Computer Architecture,
pp. 191--217. Kluwer Academic Publishers, David Lilja, and Peter Bard
(editors). Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-507,
October 1993. [Bozkus:93e]
Cheng, G., Mills, K., and Fox, G.
``An interactive visualization environment for financial modeling on
heterogeneous computing systems,'' in R. F. Sincovec, editor,
Proceedings of the 6th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing. SIAM, Norfolk, VA, March 1993. Syracuse
University Technical Report SCCS-403. [Cheng:93c]
Chien, A., and Fox, G.
``High performance computing: Architectures, programming models,
current challenges.'' CRPC tutorial at Urbana Illinois. Technical
Report SCCS-574, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, November
1993. [Chien:93a]
Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Hiranandani, S., Kennedy, K., Koelbel, C., Ranka, S.,
and Tseng, C.
``Unified compilation of Fortran 77D and 90D.'' Technical Report
SCCS-570, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, November 1993.
Chrisochoides, N., fox, G., and Thompson, J.
``MENUS-PGG: mapping environment for numerical unstructured and
structures---parallel grid generation.'' Technical Report SCCS-472, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1993. [Chrisochoides:93b]
Coddington, P., Fox, G. C., Han, L., Harris, G., and Marinari, E.
``Optimization of a dynamic random surface code for RISC
processor.'' Technical Report SCCS-481, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, April 1993. [Coddington:93a]
Copty, N., Ranka, S., Fox, G., and Shankar, R.
``Solving the region growing problem on the Connection Machine,''
in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Parallel
Processing, Volume 3, pages 102--105, 1993.
Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-397b. [Copty:93a]
Faigle, C., Fox, G., Furmanski, W., Niemiec, J., and Simoni, D.
``Integrating virtual environments with high performance computing.''
Technical Report SCCS-586, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, January
1993. [Faigle:93a]
Fox, G. C., and Coddington, P. D.
``An overview of high performance computing for the physical
sciences,'' in Proceedings of Mardi Gras Conference: High Performance
Computing and Its Applications in the Physical Sciences. World Scientific,
February 1993.
Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-488. [Fox:93a]
Fox, G., Bogucz, E., Jones, D., Mills, K., and Podgorny, M.
``InfoMall: a scalable organization for the development of HPCC
software and systems.'' Technical Report SCCS-531, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, September 1993. Unpublished. [Fox:93c]
Fox, G.
``Parallel computing and education,'' in N. Metropolis and G. Rota,
editors, A New Era in Computation, pages 111--118. The MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1993. SCCS-83b. [Fox:93d]
Fox, G. C., and Coddington, P.
``Parallel computers and complex systems,'' in Complex Systems:
From Biology to Computation, pages 272--287. Cambridge University Press,
1993. Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-370b. [Fox:93e]
Fox, G. C.
``Statistics for physicists.'' Technical Report SCCS-443, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, April 1993. [Fox:93f]
Fox, G.
``NYNET issues concerning video on demand and other interactive
consumer products.'' Technical Report SCCS-578 (unpublished),
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, September 1993. [Fox:93h]
Fox, G., Furmanski, W., Hornberger, P., Niemiec, J., and Simoni, D.
``Towards interactive HPCC: high performance Fortran
interpreter.'' Technical Report SCCS-587, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, October 1993. [Fox:93i]
Fox, G., Impett, R., Leskiw, D., Montry, G., Nicholas, H., Pottle, M., Ranka,
S., Salas, M., Salmon, J., Thompkins, T., and Young, J.
``Impact of grand challenge applications on HPCC software and
tools,'' in P. Messina and T. Sterleing, editors, System
Software and Tools for High Performance Computing Environments,
chapter 3, pages 25--33. SIAM, Philadelphia, april 1993. Syracuse
University Technical Report SCCS-332b. [Fox:93j]
Furmanski, W., Faigle, C., Fox, G., Niemiec, J., and Simoni, D.
``Integrating virtual environments with high performance computing.''
Technical Report SCCS-412, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, January
Paper presented at the 1st IEEE Virtual Reality Annual
International Symposium, VRAIS '93. [Furmanski:93c]
Furmanski, W., Faigle, C., Fox, G. C., Niemiec, J., and Simoni, D.
``System requirements for dynamic load balancing in homogeneous
platforms for heterogeneous HPDC: Case study using MOVIE.'' Technical
Report SCCS-554, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, 1993.
Furmanski, W., Faigle, C., Fox, G., Niemiec, J., and Simoni, D.
``Supercomputing and VR networking.'' Technical Report SCCS-555,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, November 1993. [Furmanski:93g]
Hariri, S., and Fox, G.
``Trends toward virtual computing environment.'' Technical Report
SCCS-455, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1993.
Hariri, S., Fox, G., Thiagarajan, B., Jadav, D., and Parashar, M.
``Parallel software benchmarks for high performance BMC3/IS
systems.'' Technical Report SCCS-490, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, August 1993. [Hariri:93c]
Hariri, S., Park, J., Yu, F., Parashar, M., and Fox, G.
``A message passing interface for parallel and distributed
computing,'' in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on
High Performance Distributed Computing, pages 84--91. IEEE Computer Society
Press, July 1993.
Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-522. [Hariri:93d]
Mansour, N., Ponnusamy, R., Choudhary, A., and Fox, G. C.
``Graph contraction for physical optimization methods: A quality-cost
tradeoff for mapping data on parallel computers.'' Technical Report SCCS-474,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1993. [Mansour:93b]
Mills, K., and Fox, G. C.
``HPCC applications development and technology transfer to
industry,'' in I. D. Scherson, editor, The New Frontiers: A Workshop on
Future Directions of Massively Parallel Processing, pages 58--65, Los
Alamitos, CA, October 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press. SCCS-491.
Parashar, M., Hariri, S., Haupt, T., and Fox, G.
``An integrated software development model for heterogeneous high
performance computing.'' Technical Report SCCS-453, Syracuse University,
NPAC, Syracuse, NY, January 1993. [Parashar:93a]
Parashar, M., Hariri, S., T., H., and Fox, G.
``An interpretive framework for application performance prediction.''
Technical Report SCCS-479, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, April
1993. [Parashar:93b]
Ponnusamy, R., Mansour, N., Choudhary, A., and Fox, G. C.
``Mapping realistic data sets on parallel computers,'' in
Proceedings of International Parallel Processing Symposium, IPPS '93, pages
123--128, April 1993. CRPC-TR92265, SCCS-366. [Ponnusamy:93a]
Ranka, S., Kaddoura, M., Wang, A., and Fox, G.
``Heterogeneous computing on heterogeneous systems: Software and
application issues.'' Technical Report SCCS-525, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, August 1993. [Ranka:93a]
Rose, K., Gurewitz, E., and Fox, G. C.
``Constrained clustering as an optimization method,'' IEEE
Trans. on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence,
15(8):785--794, August 1993. C3P-919; SCCS-21. [Rose:93a]
Stein, J., and Fox, G. C.
``Dependence analysis for outer loop parallelization of existing
Fortran-77 programs,'' Concurrency: Practice and Experience,
5(8):659--674, December 1993. SCCS-339b; CRPC-TR92261. [Stein:93a]
Thakur, R., Choudhary, A., and Fox, G.
``Complete exchange on a wormhole routed mesh.'' Technical Report
SCCS-505, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, July 1993.
Ahmad, I., Ghafoor, A., and Fox, G.
``Hierarchical scheduling of dynamic parallel computations on
hypercube multicomputers,'' Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing, 20(3), March 1994.
Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-221b. [Ahmad:94b]
Anupindi, K., Skjellum, A., Coddington, P., and Fox, G.
``Parallel differential-algebraic equations (DAE) solvers for power
system transient stability analysis.'' Technical Report SCCS-563, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1994. [Anupindi:94a]
Bogucz, E., Fox, G., Haupt, T., Hawick, K., and Ranka, S.
``Preliminary evaluation of high-performance Fortran as a language
for computational fluid dynamics.'' Technical Report SCCS-625, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, June 1994. Published in Proc.
AIAA 25th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Colorado Springs,
AIAA 94-2262. [Bogucz:94a]
Bozkus, Z., Choudhary, A., Fox, G., Haupt, T., Ranka, S., and Wu, M.-Y.
``Compiling Fortran 90D/HPF for distributed memory MIMD
computers,'' in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
pp 15--26 (1994). Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report
SCCS-444, March 1993. [Bozkus:94a]
Cheng, G., Fox, G., Mills, K., and Podgorny, M.
``Developing interactive PVM-based parallel programs on distributed
computing systems with AVS framework.'' Technical Report SCCS-611, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, January 1994. Published in
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International AVS Conference, JOIN THE
REVOLUTION: AVS'94, held in Boston, MA. [Cheng:94a]
Cheng, G., Lu, Y., Fox, G., Mills, K., and Haupt, T.
``An interactive remote visualization environment for an
electromagnetic scattering simulation on a high performance computing
system.'' Technical Report SCCS-573, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
January 1994. Published in Proc. Supercomputing 1993,
pages 317--326. [Cheng:94b]
Cheng, G., Hawick, K., Mortensen, G., and Fox, G.
``Distributed computational electromagnetics systems.'' Technical
Report SCCS-635, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, August 1994.
Published in Proceedings of the 7th SIAM Conference on Prallel
Processing for Scientific Computing held February 15--17, 1995.
Cheng, G., Fox, G., and Mills, K.
``Integrating multiple programming paradigms on Connection Machine
CM5 in a dataflow-based software environment (draft).'' Technical Report
SCCS-548, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, October 1994.
Cheng, G., Fox, G., and Hawick, K.
``A scalable paradigm for effectively-dense matrix formulated
applications,'' volume 797 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 202--210. Springer-Verlag, April 1994. Proceedings
of the European Conference and Exhibition on High-Performance
Computing and Networking (HPCN Europe) 1994, Munich, Germany; Syracuse
University Technical Report SCCS-580. [Cheng:94e]
Choudhary, A., Dincer, K., Fox, G., and Hawick, K.
``Conjugate gradient algorithms implemented in high performance
Fortran.'' Technical Report SCCS-639, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, October 1994. [Choudhary:94c]
Chrisochoides, N., Haupt, T., and Fox, G.
``Computational toolkit for colliding black holes and CFD.''
Technical Report SCCS-626, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
July 1994. [Chrisochoides:94a]
Chrisochoides, N., Mansour, N., and Fox, G.
``Performance evaluation of data mapping algorithms for parallel
single-phase iterative PDE solvers.'' Technical Report SCCS-551, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, October 1994. [Chrisochoides:94b]
Chrisochoides, N., Fox, G., and Thompson, J.
``Parallel grid generation on distributed memory MIMD machines for
three-dimensional general domains.'' Technical Report SCCS-672,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December 1994.
Chrisochoides, N., Chatterjee, A., Rajani, V., and Fox, G.
``Parallel structured grid generation.'' Technical Report SCCS-674,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1994. [Chrisochoides:94c]
Copty, N., Ranka, S., Fox, G., and Shankar, R.
``A data parallel algorithm for solving the region growing problem on
the Connection Machine,'' Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing, 21(1), 1994.
Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-596. [Copty:94a]
del Rosario, J. M., and Fox, G.
``Constant bit rate network transmission of variable bit rate
continuous media in video-on-demand servers.'' Technical Report
SCCS-677, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December 1994.
Dincer, K., Bozkus, Z., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``Evaluating the performance of CM-5 multicomputer.'' Technical
Report SCCS-662, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, August 1994.
Fox, G., and Mills, K.
Information Processing and Opportunities for HPCN Use in
Industry, pages 1--14.
Number 796 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, New
York, April 1994.
Proceedings of HPCN Europe 1994, ``High Performance Computing and
Networking.'' SCCS-610. [Fox:94b]
Fox, G., and Mills, K.
``Information processing and HPCC applications in industry,'' in
Proceedings of Annual 1994 Dual-use Conference, Utica, NY, May 1994.
IEEE Mohawk Valley. SCCS-598. [Fox:94c]
Fox, G., Hariri, S., Chen, R., Mills, K., and Furmanski, W.
``Applications and enabling technology for NYNET upstate
corridor.'' Technical Report SCCS-465, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, January 1994. [Fox:94d]
Fox, G., Furmanski, W., Hawick, K., and Leskiw, D.
``Exploration of the InfoMall concept.'' Technical Report SCCS-634,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, August 1994. [Fox:94f]
Fox, G., and Hawick, K.
``An applications perspective on high performance Fortran.''
Technical Report SCCS-641, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, November
1994. [Fox:94g]
Fox, G., Hawick, K., Podgorny, M., and Mills, K.
``The electronic InfoMall---HPCN enabling industry and commerce,''
volume 919 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 360--365.
Springer-Verlag, November 1994. Syracuse University Technical Report
SCCS-665. [Fox:94h]
Fox, G.
``Involvement of industry in the national high performance computing
and communication enterprise,'' in Developing a Computer Science
Agenda for High Performance Computing, U. Vishkin (editor), ACM
Press. Technical Report SCCS-716, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, May 1994. [Fox:94i]
Fox, G., and Hawick, K.
``High performance Fortran for applications.'' Technical Report
SCCS-524, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, August 1994. [Fox:94j]
Fox, G., and Mills, K.
``High performance computing and communication---yet another
revolution in education,'' in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual 1994
Dual-use Technologies and Applications Conference, pages 220--228. IEEE
Mohawk Valley, May 1994.
Syracuse University, NPAC, Technical Report SCCS-618. [Fox:94k]
Hariri, S., and Fox, G.
``Applications and enabling technology for NYNET upstate
corridor.'' Technical Report SCCS-642, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, November 1994. [Hariri:94a]
Hariri, S., Park, S., Reddy, R., Subramanyan, M., Yadav, R., Fox, G., and
Parashar, M.
``Software tool evaluation methodology.'' Technical Report SCCS-643,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, November 1994. [Hariri:94b]
Hawick, K., Bogucz, E., Degani, A., and Fox, G.
``High performance Fortran for computational fluid dynamics
applications.'' Technical Report SCCS-638, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, September 1994. [Hawick:94a]
Hawick, K., and Fox, G.
``Exploiting high performance Fortran for computational fluid
dynamics,'' volume 919 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 413--419. Springer-Verlag, May 1995. International Conference
on High Performance Computing and Networking, HPCN Europe 1995, Milan;
Syracuse University Technical Report SCCS-661. [Hawick:94b]
Koester, D., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``Parallel Choleski factorization of block-diagonal bordered sparse
matrices.'' Technical Report SCCS-604, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, January 1994. [Koester:94a]
Koester, D., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``Power systems transient stability---a grand computing challenge.''
Technical Report SCCS-549, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, October
1994. [Koester:94c]
Koester, D., Ranka, D., and Fox, G.
``Parallel LU factorization of block-diagonal-bordered sparse
matrices.'' Technical Report SCCS-550, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, October 1994. [Koester:94d]
Koester, D., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``Parallel block-diagonal-bordered sparse linear solvers for
electrical power system applications.'' Technical Report SCCS-552, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, October 1994. [Koester:94e]
Koester, D., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``Parallel direct methods for block-diagonal-bordered sparse
matrices.'' Technical Report SCCS-679, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, December 1994. [Koester:94f]
Koester, D., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``A parallel Gauss-Seidel algorithm for sparse power systems
matrices,'' in Proceedings of Supercomputing 94, pages 184--193. IEEE
Comptuer Society Press, November 1994.
Syracuse University, NPAC, Technical Report SCCS-630. [Koester:94h]
Leung, A., Skjellum, A., and Fox, G.
``Concurrent DASSL: a second-generation DAE solver library,'' in
A. Skjellum, editor, Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference, 1994.
Syracuse University, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-562. [Leung:94a]
Mansour, N., and Fox, G.
``Parallel physical optimization algorithms for allocating data to
multicomputer nodes,'' Journal of Supercomputing, 8(1), March 1994.
SCCS-305; CRPC-TR92259. [Mansour:94b]
Mansour, N., and Fox, G. C.
``Allocating data to distributed-memory multiprocessors by genetic
algorithms,'' Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 6(6):485--504,
September 1994. Technical Report SCCS-349, Syracuse University,
NPAC, Syracuse, NY. [Mansour:94a]
Mills, K., and Fox, G.
``InfoMALL: an innovative strategy for high-performance computing
and communications applications development,'' Internet Research,
4:31--45, 1994. SCCS-530. [Mills:94a]
Mills, K., Fox, G., Shelly, B., and Bossert, S.
``The living textbook: A demonstration of information on demand
technologies in education.'' Technical Report SCCS-647, Syracuse University,
NPAC, Syracuse, NY, October 1994. [Mills:94c]
Parashar, M., Hariri, S., Haupt, T., and Fox, G.
``Interpreting the performance of HPF/Fortran 90D,'' in
Proceedings of Supercomputing 94, pages 743--752. IEEE Computer Society
Press, November 1994.
Syracuse University, NPAC, Technical Report SCCS-645. [Parashar:94b]
Ponnusamy, R., Thakur, R., Choudhary, A., Velamakanni, K., Bozkus, Z., and
Fox, G.
``Experimental performance evaluation of the CM-5,'' Journal
of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 19:192--202, March 1994.
SCCS-616. [Ponnusamy:94a]
Rousselle, P., Tymann, P., Hariri, S., and Fox, G.
``The virtual computing environment,'' in Proceedings of the
Third IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed
Computing, pages 7--14. IEEE Computer Society Press, April 1994.
Syracuse University, NPAC, Technical Report SCCS-646. [Rousselle:94c]
Thakur, R., Choudhary, A., and Fox, G.
``Runtime array redistribution in HPF programs.'' Technical Report
SCCS-601, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, January 1994.
Browne, S., Dongarra, J., Fox, G., Hawick, K., Kennedy, K., Stevens,
R., Olson, R., and Rowan, T.
``Distributed information management in the national HPCC software
exchange.'' Technical Report SCCS-722, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, July 1995.
Browne, S., Dongarra, J., Green, S., Moore, K., Rowan, T., Wade, R., Fox, G.,
Hawick, K., Pool, J., Stevens, R., Olson, B., and Disz, T.
``The national HPCC software exchange,'' IEEE Computational
Science and Engineering, 2(2):62--69, Summer 1995.
Syracuse University, NPAC, Technical Report SCCS-712. [Browne:95c]
Degani, A. and Fox, G.
``Application of parallel multigrid methods to unsteady flow: A
performance evaluation.'' Technical Report SCCS-738, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, 1995. [Degani:95a]
Degani, A., and Fox, G.
``Parallel multigrid computation of the unsteady incompressible
Navier-Stokes equations.'' Technical Report SCCS-739, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, 1995. [Degani:95b]
del Rosario, J. M., Podgorny, M., and Fox, G.
``m-Frame granular transport and buffer requirements for VBR encoded
media in VOD servers.'' Technical Report SCCS-733, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1995. [Rosario:95a]
Dincer, K., Fox, G., and Hawick, K.
``High Performance Fortran and possible extensions to support
conjugate gradient algorithms,'' in Proceedings of Fifth IEEE
International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing,
pp. 69--77, August 1996. Syracuse University Technical Report
SCCS-703b. [Dincer:95c]
Fox, G., Furmanski, W., Chen, M., Rebbi, C., and Cowie, J.
``WebWork: Integrated programming environment tools for national and
grand challenges.'' Technical Report SCCS-715, Syracuse University,
NPAC, Syracuse, NY, June 1995. Joint Boston-CSC-NPAC project plan to
develop WebWork. [Fox:95a]
Fox, G., Furmanski, W., Hawick, K., and Leskiw, D.
``Exploration of the InfoMall concept---building on the electronic
InfoMall.'' Technical Report SCCS-711, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, May 1995. [Fox:95b]
Fox, G.
``Software and hardware requirements for some applications of
parallel computing to industrial problems.'' Technical Report
SCCS-717, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, June 1995. To
appear in ICASE book. [Fox:95c]
Fox, G., and Furmanski, W.
``The use of the national information infrastructure and high
performance computers in industry,'' in Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing using
Optical Interconnections, pages 298--312, October 1995. IEEE
Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA. Syracuse University
Technical Report SCCS-732. [Fox:95d]
Fox, G.
``Basic Issues and Current Status of Parallel Computing.''
Technical Report SCCS-736, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
November 1995. [Fox:95e]
Fox, G.
``High performance distributed computing.'' Technical Report
SCCS-750, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December 1995.
To appear in Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology.
Fox, G., Bogucz, E., Jones, D., Mills, K., Podgorny, M., and Hawick, K.
``A scalable organisation for the development of high performance
computing and communications software and systems.'' Technical Report
SCCS-721, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, April 1995.
Fox, G., Hawick, K., Haupt, T., Bogucz, E., and Roe, K.
``Application of high performance Fortran.'' Technical Report
SCCS-727, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, July 1995.
Fox, G., Hawick, K., and Ranka, S.
``HPF templates for data parallel applications.'' Technical Report
SCCS-734, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, September 1995.
Fox, G., Hawick, K., and White, A.
``Characteristics of HPC scientific and engineering applications.''
Technical Report SCCS-741, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY.
Report of Working Group 2 of the Second Pasadena Workshop on
System Software and Tools for High Performance Computing
Environments, 1995. [Fox:95k]
Fox, G. C., Furmanski, W., Hornberger, P., Niemiec, J., and Simoni, D.
``Implementing televirtuality,'' in R. A. Earnshaw, J. A. Vince, and
H. Jones, editors, Virtual Reality Applications, chapter 7, pages
91--122. Academic Press Ltd., 1995.
Syracuse University, NPAC, Technical Report SCCS-718. [Fox:95l]
Hawick, K., Dincer, K., Robinson, G., and Fox, G.
``Conjugate gradient algorithms in Fortran 90 and high performance
Fortran.'' technical Report SCCS-691, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, February 1995. [Hawick:95a]
Hawick, K., Bogucz, E., Degani, A., Fox, G., and Robinson, G.
``CFD algorithms in high performance Fortran.'' Technical Report
SCCS-737, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, 1995.
Mills, K., Fox, G., Coddington, P., Mihalas, B., Podgorny, M., Shelly,
B., and Bossert, S.
``The living textbook and the K--12 classroom of the future.''
Technical Report SCCS-731, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
July 1995. [Mills:95a]
Ou, C.-W., Ranka, S., and Fox, G.
``Fast and parallel mapping algorithms for irregular problems.''
Technical Report SCCS-729, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
July 1995. [Ou:95a]
Robinson, G., Hawick, K., and Fox, G.
``Fortran 90 and high performance Fortran for dense
matrix-formulated applications.'' Technical Report SCCS-709, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, May 1995. [Robinson:95a]
Yadav, R., Reedy, R., Hariri, S., and Fox, G.
``A multithreaded message passing environment for ATM LAN/WAN.''
Technical Report SCCS-690, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
February 1995. [Yadav:95a]
Cheng, G., Sokolowski, P., Podgorny, M., and Fox, G.
``WWW search systems using SQL*TextRetrieval and Parallel Server for
structured and unstructured data.''
Technical Report SCCS-752, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
January 1996. [Cheng:96a]
Fox, G. C.
``A tale of two applications on the NII.''
Technical Report SCCS-756, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
March 1996. Submitted to the 1996 Sixth Annual IEEE Dual-Use
Technologies and Applications Conference. [Fox:96a]
Fox, G. C.
``An application perspective on high-performance computing and
communications.'' Technical Report SCCS-757, Syracuse University,
NPAC, Syracuse, NY, April 1996. [Fox:96b]
Fox, G. C., and Furmanski, W.
``SNAP, Crackle, WebWindows!.''
Technical Report SCCS-758, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
April 1996. [Fox:96c]
Fox, G. C., and Mills, K.
``Opportunities for HPCC use in industry: Opportunities for a new
software industry in HPCC,'' in A. Y. Zomaya, editor, Parallel
Computing: Paradigms and Applications, chapter 17, pages 455--479.
International Thomson Computer Press, 1996. Syracuse University,
NPAC, Technical Report SCCS-617. [Fox:96d]
Yau, H., Leung, A., Furmanski, W., and Fox, G.
``Exploration of Emerging HPCN Technologies for Web-based
Distributed Computing.''
Technical Report SCCS-755, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY,
February 1996. [Yau:96a]
Books Edited
- Phenomenology in Particle Physics, 1971, (with C. B. Chiu and A.
J. G. Hey), Proceedings of a conference at Caltech (organized by C. B.
Chiu and G. C. Fox) in 1971.
- Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications,
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications, published by ACM, 1988.
Books Authored
- Solving Problems in Concurrent Processors---Volume 1, with M.
Johnson, G. Lyzenga, S. Otto, J. Salmon, D. Walker, Prentice Hall,
March 1988.
- Solving Problems in Concurrent Processors---Volume 2, with
I. Angus, J. Kim, D. Walker, Prentice Hall, 1990.
- Supercomputer Applications of the Hypercube, published in
Supercomputing Systems, Chapter 11, pp. 480--577 by Van Nostrand
Reinhold Publishing House, New York, N.Y. editors Steve and Lana
Kartashev (1989).
- Parallel Computing Works!, with P. Messina, R. Williams,
Morgan Kauffman (1994).
Supervisory Editor, Nuclear Physics B (1975--1986).
- Member of the Editorial Board:
- The Journal of Supercomputing (1987-- )
- Computer Physics Communications (1987--1994)
- International C3IS Journal: Command, Control,
Communications and Information Systems (1987--1990)
- Principal Editor:
- Concurrency: Practice and Experience (1989-- )
- Physics and Computers: International Journal of Modern
Physics C (1990-- )
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship (1973-1975)
Fellow of the American Physical Society (1990)
Lecture Notes
``Phenomenology of Particle Physics,'' lecture notes for Physics 231,
unpublished, 1980.
Conferences Organized
- Caltech 1971 (with C. B. Chiu) on ``High Energy Physics
- Caltech 1979 on ``Gauge Theories and Related High Energy
Physics (Experimental and Theoretical) Topics.''
- JPL 1988 ``Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications;'' Chairperson of program committee.
- Syracuse 1992 ``First International Symposium on High-Performance
Distributed Computing,'' Conference Chair.
- Spokane 1993 ``Second International Symposium on High-Performance
Distributed Computing,'' Conference Chair.
- San Francisco 1994 ``Third International Symposium on
High-Performance Distributed Computing,'' Conference Chair.
- Washington, D.C. 1995 ``Fourth International Symposium on
High-Performance Distributed Computing,'' Conference Chair.
- Syracuse 1996 ``Fifth International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing,'' Conference Chair.
Unpublished Concurrent Computation Papers
- Brooks, E., Gupta, R., Martin, O., Otto, S., DeBenedictis, E.,
``Nearest Neighbor Concurrent Processor,'' CALT-68-867, Caltech
report C3P-1 (1981).
- Brooks, E. and Fox, G. C., ``A Simple Mail Box Communications
Package for the NNCP,'' CALT-68-920, Caltech report C3P-2 (1982).
- Fox, G. C., ``Matrix Operations on the Homogeneous Machine,''
CALT-68-939, Caltech report C3P-5 (1982).
- Fox, G. C., ``Decomposition of Scientific Problems for
Concurrent Processors,'' CALT- 68-986, Caltech report C3P-28 (1983).
- Fox, G. C., ``The Cyclic Jacobi Method for Eigenvalues of
Symmetric Matrices,'' Caltech report C3P-82 (1984).
- Fox, G. C., ``Eigenvalues of Symmetric Tridiagonal
Matrices,'' Caltech report C3P-95 (1984).
- Fox, G. C., ``Square Matrix Decomposition: Symmetric,
Local, Scattered,'' Caltech report C3P-97 (1984).
- Fox, G. C., ``Householder's Tridiagonalization Technique,''
Caltech report C3P-98 (1984).
- Fox, G. C., ``LU Decomposition for Banded Matrices,''
Caltech report C3P-99 (1984).
- Fox, G. C., ``Use of Concurrent Processors in (High Energy
Physics) Data Analysis,'' Caltech report C3P-129 (1984).
- Fox, G. C., ``On the Sequential Component of Computation,''
Caltech report C3P-130 (1984).
- Fox, G. C. and Jefferson, D., ``Concurrent Processor Load
Balancing as a Statistical Physics Problem,'' Caltech report C3P-172
- Fox, G. C., ``Concurrent Scalar Products on the Hypercube,''
Caltech report C3P-173 (1985).
- Fox, G. C., ``Implementation of High Performance Crystalline
Operating System on the INTEL iPSC Hypercube,'' Caltech report C3P-247
- Fox, G. C., ``Iterative Full Matrix-Vector Multiplication on
the Hypercube,'' Caltech report C3P-336 (1986).
- Fox, G. C., ``An Overview of Ten Challenge Problems on the
Hypercube,'' Caltech report C3P-338 (1986).
- Fox, G. C., Chen, M., DeBenedictis, E., Li, J., Walker, D.,
``Hypercubes are General---Purpose Multiprocessors with High Speed
Up,'' Caltech report C3P-499 (1987).
- Fox, G. C. and Frey, A., ``High Performance Parallel
Supercomputing Application, Hardware, and Software Issues for a
Teraflop Computer,'' Caltech report C3P-451b (1988).
- Fox, G. C. and Messina, P., ``The Caltech Concurrent
Computation Program Annual Report 1986--1987,'' Caltech report C3P-487
- Felten, E., Fox, G. C. and Otto, S., ``A Uniform
Programming Environment for Synchronous and Loosely Synchronous
Problems; SIMD and MIMD Parallel Computers,'' Caltech report C3P-656
- Fox, G. C. and Messina, P., ``Report for 1988 on the Caltech
Concurrent Computation Program,'' Caltech report C3P-685 (1988).
- Saltz, J., Mirchandaney, R., Fox, G., and Nicol, D., ``The
Design of a Run-time System Integrable with Programming Environments
for Distributed Memory Machines,'' Caltech report C3P-700 (1989).
- Fox, G. C., ``Experience on the Hypercube,'' Caltech report C3P-716
- Fox, G. C., ``A Report on Advanced Architectures to the
Technical Options Group,'' Caltech report C3P-718 (1989).
- Fox, G. C., ``A Note on Neural Networking for Trackfinding,''
Caltech report C3P-748 (1989).
Syracuse University Internal Reports
Fox, G., Choudhary, A., and Ranka, S.
``Developing large industrial applications on nCUBE-2.'' Technical
Report SCCS-27, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December 1990.
Fox, G., Ranka, S., and Choudhary, A.
``Development of software and applications for parallel processors.''
Technical Report SCCS-34, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December
1990. A joint study with IBM Yorktown. [Fox:90gg]
Fox, G. C.
``Syracuse University, NPAC school of management project.'' Technical
Report SCCS-100, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, May 1991.
A proposal from the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center. [Fox:91gg]
Apostolakis, J., Falcioni, M., Fox, G., and Han, L.
``Some preliminary benchmarks for the CM-5.'' Technical Report
SCCS-405, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, November 1992.
Chen, T., Feeney, J., Fox, G., Frieder, G., Ranka, S., and Yu, F.
``A switch for scalable high-performance distributed computing.''
Technical Report SCCS-392, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, November
1992. [Chen:92c]
Cheng, G., and Fox, G.,
``An interactive graphic tool for the option price modeling on
DECmpp-12000 using AVS,'' Technical Report SCCS-369, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, September 1992. [Cheng:92b]
Fox, G.
``Questions and answers for GE task force.'' Technical Report SCCS-304,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, May 1992. [Fox:92p]
Fox, G., Ranka, S., Furmanski, W., and Choudhary, A.
``Scalable portable systems for high performance computing.''
Technical Report SCCS-364, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, July
1992. [Fox:92s]
Fox, G., and Bogucz, E.
``Research experiences for undergraduates site: Undergraduate
research experience in computation science.'' Technical Report SCCS-409,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December 1992. [Fox:92t]
Mohamed, A., Fox, G., von Laszewski, G., Parashar, M., Haupt, T., Mills, K.,
Lu, Y., Lin, N., and Yeh, N.
``Applications benchmarking set for Fortran-D and high performance
Fortran.'' Technical Report SCCS-327, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse,
NY, June 1992. [Mohamed:92b]
Chen, T., Feeney, J., Fox, G., Frieder, G., Ranka, S., Wilhelm, B., and Yu, F.
``A low-latency programming interface and a prototype switch for
scalable high-performance distributed computing.'' Technical Report SCCS-523,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, July 1993. [Chen:93a]
Fox, G., Hariri, S., Chen, R., Mills, K., and Podgorny, M.
``InfoVision project.'' Technical Report SCCS-575, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December 1993. [Fox:93g]
Podgorny, M., and Fox, G.
``Northeast parallel architectures center computational facility.''
Technical Report SCCS-512, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, August
1993. [Podgorny:93a]
Choudhary, A., Foster, I., Fox, G., Kennedy, K., Kesselman, C., Koelbel, C.,
Saltz, J., and Marc, S.
``Languages, compilers, and runtime systems support for parallel
input-output.'' Technical Report SCCS-606, Syracuse University, NPAC,
Syracuse, NY, January 1994. [Choudhary:94b]
Degani, A., and Fox, G.
``Derivation of the beam and warming algorithm for compressible
Navier-Stokes equations.'' Technical Report SCCS-675, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December 1994. [Degani:94a]
Degani, A., and Fox, G.
``Discussion of the NAS parallel benchmark for CFD.'' Technical
Report SCCS-676, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, December
1994. [Degani:94b]
Kao, K.-L., Cheng, G., Podgorny, M., and Fox, G.
``Benchmarking on ORACLE 7.1.3 parallel server on the nCUBE 2
performance diagnostic and tuning tools.'' Technical Report SCCS-695,
Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, 1995. [Kao:95a]
Lin, T.-H., Haupt, T., and Fox, G.
``Parallelization of MOPAC.'' Technical Report SCCS-744, Syracuse
University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, 1995. [Lin:95a]
Next: About this document
Theresa Canzian
Fri Jan 17 17:31:03 EST 1997