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WebMed: Web Technologies in Health Care

The Intranet ideas above can, of course, be applied to medical enterprises where one can use Web-linked databases combined with several different user interfaces. Here, we use Java so that we can customize the `look and feel' and access privileges so that doctors, hospital administrators, insurance companies, nurses, and patients can share the same information. NPAC has two interesting local projects--one with the University College of Nursing with a prototype system to help K-12 school nurses; the second uses simple virtual reality technology from David Warner, [Pulsar:97a] [Warner:95a], to allow disabled persons to both navigate the Web and to transmit medical sensor data from their homes to Web servers where it can then be analyzed conveniently by doctors.


Figure 30: Result of Wow Phone Query is Another Page (assume user typed in `geoffrey')

Geoffrey Fox, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University,