Web Wisdom is a hierarchical tree of knowledge built from JavaScript and aimed at Netscape 3.0 Navigators [Fox:97e]. Web Wisdom is set up to display worlds of self defining Web Pages where the header of documents have appropriate JavaScript calls to define recursive, hierarchical structures.
This structure has natural applicability in education and in mail archives. Web Wisdom can handle several different worlds (limited only by the strength of JavaScript). We have currently implemented ``Foilworld'' which archives foils produced by NPAC, Family PhotoWorld and Administration.
FoilWorld is a part of WebWisdom devoted to accessing basic materials sorted by different criteria such as:
FoilWorld has full support for Persuasion, Powerpoint, collections of screendumps, and general HTML pages. Family PhotoWorld uses the same technology to manage a collection of family photos. The digital images may come from scanning original prints, disks now available from commercial photofinishers, and images directly from digital cameras. The Administration area of WebWisdom allows users to select useful parameters, log URLs, and read and writing parameter sets.
The page syntax used in WebWisdom uses JavaScript to store metadata on each page which defines associated pages (children in the hierarchical structure). The page syntax also accommodates quick HTML versions of graphically rich pages, notes, associated illustrative (Java) programs, and multimedia material. We also have linked WebWisdom with an Oracle server which allows the user to search all pages at a given level or below a particular node.
A key facility of WebWisdom is a Java front-end which can create play-lists which produce new composite foilsets (the set of pages at any level of the WebWisdom world) with a mix of pages from different foilsets.