Next: Message-passing case studies
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Previous: Approaches to Parallelism in
The standard Java API provides a simplified interface to Internet
sockets. This interface hides much of the ugly detail involved in
socket-programming at the at the traditional C/UNIX level. The interface provides less flexibility than using the system
calls directly. On the other hand, Java's built-in support for threads
adds some flexibility in scheduling communications that is missing from
raw C.
We will give an example of socket programming in section
3.1, but traditionally this has not been a popular paradigm
in the parallel processing world. Scientific programmers have
expected to program inter-process communication at a higher level, if
at all. More successful schemes include
Message-passing through language-level support [24, 15]
or higher-level library interfaces [14].
Data parallelism.
We restrict the definition of ``data parallelism'' to cover algorithms
that achieve parallelism through operations on distributed arrays.
Synchronization is usually limited to bulk synchronization occuring
naturally through collective operations.
Communication through shared memory or shared objects.
Some more or less intricate mechanism for inter-process synchronization
is usually provided.
The case studies in the rest of this article restrict themselves to
message-passing and data parallelism. As observed in the previous
section, communication through true shared memory is already implicit
in the Java thread model. Communication through remote objects is
undoubtedly a natural and important paradigm in Java, especially for
access to remote services [27, 22, 21], but we will not
discuss it further here.
An orthogonal issue is whether the high-level libraries used to
implement these paradigms (presuming class-library implementations)
should be written in Java on top of the standard API, or whether
they should be implemented as direct interfaces to native code. We
will have more to say about this later.
Geoffrey Fox, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University,