Most cited authors in Computer Science - January 2001 (ResearchIndex)

Generated from documents in the ResearchIndex database. This list does not include citations where one or more authors of the citing and cited articles match. An entry may correspond to multiple authors (e.g. J. Smith). This list is automatically generated and may contain errors. Citation counts may differ from search results because this list is generated periodically whereas the database is continually updated. A total of 474188 authors were found.

1. J. Ullman: 8240
2. D. Johnson: 8030
3. A. Gupta: 6435
4. R. Milner: 5922
5. J. Dongarra: 4949
6. M. Garey: 4744
7. R. Tarjan: 4703
8. R. Rivest: 4634
9. L. Lamport: 4585
10. J. Hennessy: 4433
11. D. Knuth: 4123
12. A. Aho: 4081
13. J. Smith: 3933
14. G. Hinton: 3806
15. V. Jacobson: 3721
16. D. Goldberg: 3680
17. J. Quinlan: 3668