Reed **************************************** Nice past Grid is future Web Most Web data is Scientific Archives X in a box Visualization Access Grid NEES Data Grids Petabyte is $20-$30M Large to small MEMS Smart Dust Microgrid Every frog has an IP Need backend Infrastructure -- this is GoG Health Centers on board (human) diagnostics Smarr **************************************** Planetary Scale Grid Smarr Center technology deployed by PACI Old S curve: PC endpoints New S curve: Heterogeneous wireless endpoint Need photonics for backend Need more storage and computing CAL IT**2 Institiute for Telecommunications and Information Technology 220 faculty $400M Guerilla --> Commercial Infrastructure P2P Storage(Napster) P2P Computing(SETI@home) NSFNet --> Internet NCSA Mosaic --> Web 802.11 domains --> broadband wireless (Interstil) HDR provides early view of broadband wireless net Qualcomm prporietary Need a special reciever 2 mbits/sec on existing infrastructure BREW runs on Qualcomm Java compatible Economics Debt Investment in 3G Technological Breakouts 802.11 skim cream off 3G 2.5G can deploy now (Sprint PCS) one megabit on existing cell infrstructure 3G unclear each part of world different --> BAD Review from Web Internet environment and health Sensors .1 mm on a side Note DISTRIBUTED sensors swallow video camera cars 60 sensors 25 sensors -- body should be same Data mining Need Genome as t=0 groundrules plus data on what you do gives data mining opportunity for new medicine Bridges Sensors again to monitor change read out at 10 Mhz neural net classifier earthquakes Biomed Physics IT Convergence MEMS Nanotech Photonics all optical switching Data storage doubles every 12 months Optical fiber bits per second every 9 months Moore's Law doubles just every 18 months Optical latency MUCH lower -- could make distributed systems real parallel systems Panoram is deployed high resolution Optical nets to link Access Grid Intel P2P Computing Grid Computing Condor Pratt and Whitney Planetary Computer from Entropia -- Mersenne Prime equivalent to 8000 node IBM Blue Horizon SETI@Home is sustained 22 teraflops 0.5 million processors autodock small molecule software fightAID@home Monte Carlo Cellular Microphysiology from Salk can run in P2P Computing Planetary Supercomputer .5 billion PC's 130 million on net all linked to a PC so do "adaptor" architecture for mobile clients 10 million PC's each 100 GB ten gigaflop 1 exabyte storage 100 petaflop speed Redding Bluetooth Motorola SIG 9 major companies 173 associates 2400 early adopter IRDA Similar effort on transport Bluetooth more application oriented Low Cost Power Efficient Interoperability World wide -- got France Spain Japan to change policy Cable Replacement for short range linked appliances Digital Camera Cell Phone Mouse etc. Hands free automobile wireless Internet Access Cell Phone <--> Cordless phone seamless switch GPS link 3G: Unrestricted Digital Interface 2.4 GHz HomeRF 802.11 Microwave oven Class 3 10 metres 1 mW Class 1 100 meters 3 voice 64 kpbs voice 1000 kpbs data with symmetric (432/432) or asymmetric (large/56) piconets -- linked to --- scatter nets Peer to Peer communication Version 1.1 March 2001 Lots of application specific profiles 150 qualified components Computers Cell Phones Head sets CHALLENGES Interoperability -- has compatibility testing program errors addressed in V1.1 Hardware $9 to $15 now 3 cm**2 will be $5 to $8 1 cm**2 single chip solutions soon 1 mbps < 802.11 11 Mbps coexist with 802.11 and HomeRF minimize interference Security can build application specific better on top of current standard Global Spectrum work with countries Windows XP won't support initially will add when more devices available 802.11b versus Bluetooth Early adopter is FREE 4000 people at last conference Bluetooth revealed is a good book Can stack ~10 linked piconets What about N people each with own bluetooth -- at meeting Depends on duty circle -- if all ovens ON have a performance WAP wide area wireless growing slower than most other things TCP wrong assumptions -- failure not necessarily congestion rather temporary loss of signal propagation Solve Special function accelerator WAP short term solution Gateway Server --> gateway --> client gateway can convert to optimized form could be done on server WML WMLScript WTA Telephone Interface Card not page metaphor better suited for small page size uses UDP like transport WTLS like TLS but less chatty imode cHTML (compact HTML) plus HTTP Didn't PROMISE to be "wireless web" WAP Forum Lots of people doing it ALL major vendors WAP is going where? Sticking around as so much investment XHTML will include WAP markup addons MExE includes WAP or (PersonalJava+WAP) or (J2ME+WAP) GSM operators include MExE bids XHTML plus J2ME plus HTTP plus TLS is future VoiceXML for automobiles Scenarios People obey no Moore's law!!! One Internet? One markup language Publish once render differently using style sheets Prefereed Scenario Not so good -- like language translation WAP window of opportunity SMS cell phone replacement for IM US has unusual high internet access Imode had better more realistic business model Didn't promise Wireless web promised nifty stuff on cell phone Note TCP problems do not exist with local bluetooth or 802.11 Only with wide area 802.11 can compete well with bluetooth Reed Distributed data mining How do we make money from Grid if this is future of web Smarr Need to have full access to your stuff Small devices cross the digital divide Europe had a bad wired telephone system WAP rejected by PC users -- not so clear about other communities Current quirk Internet is PC and user later more general end points without humans What will drive connecting microwave to Internet? Who would have guessed people would use headphones + cell phones and walk around talking to themselves Software Defined Radios Cognitive Radios FCC Chair Kennard run out of spectrum 558 tribal governments better FCC relationship 802.11 doesn't scale There is good and bad magic Regulation forces bits into small chunks of spectrum Kennard tried to put things into place initiatives stalled So find another nation which is more reliant NSF funded Mongolia on net project in 96 HPWREN off the shelf 45 megabit/sec base in San Diego AN-MSI Doing this technology in Indian reservations 8 tribes working through tribal colleges 30 Mbps symmetric to each home 802.11 not spread spectrum and so not robust to interference Playstation 2 / XBOX are low end PC replacements $300 CPE (customer) 900 MhZ radios 26 Mhz wide Rolling Hills 802.11 forcing prices down cards $79 $12K per link (20 miles) for radio 802.11a will force down to $500 in two years Tragedy of Commons ..... San Francisco seeing interference No legal respite as unregulated There are higher priority users in unregulated spectrum Inside reservation can use spectrum licensed other ways outside tribal areas Rules should be diffferent in desert and New York City Wireless better than DSL or Cable Spectrum commons model but government has accepted all this money for spectrum. Above 3 GHz spectrum free but too expensive to use Use tribal case as a proof that can be done Doing it in Tonga Universities can do this -- white paper on Educause March 2001 Hughes ********************************************************* Hughes is 73!! Welsh In Infantry inventor of frequency hoping was pianist/actress Part 15 is FCC unregulated part of spectrum radio 900 Mhz connects to sensors -- 30 milliwatt 2.4 Ghz wont go far and wont go through walls FCC **requires** non standard connectors Globalstar 9.6kbaud satellite based cell phone dataloggers out of date Issues Protocols Software Interfaces Power FCC Visualization International issues IP should be DNA !!!! Welsh Pubs as ISP DEMACO/SAIC electromagnetic Simulation Could use to control networks Need 3D Can vary positions of receivers and transmitters Trees suck up a lot of energy in summer above 1 Ghz 50 Ghz sensitive to leaves; 1 Ghz done globally Dont have data on make up of buildings serious difficulty Bill Lane FCC *************************************** FCC responsible to congress NTIA responsible for government use FCC responsible for commercial use There is a well defined process Wants to create access to network Convergence unclear 802.11a 54Mbps 5 Ghz 2009 cell phones exceed wired globally pay phone use drastically decreasing Good goals Flexible Spectrum Use Minimize Rule Lots of rules from Congress IMT-2000 future high tech phones multiple bands technology neutral Need to move uses? Not enough obvious available bandwidth Part 15 Must accept interference Must be spread spectrum New Part 15 OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency .. Modulation) 2002 Auction of bands New band 1755 to 1850 used by DoD relocation $4.5B cost by 2010 2500 to 2690 Cost $10 to 30B to relocate 747 to ? TV bands to be made available Software Defined Radio DoD ahead COBRA based!!!!! Realtime reconfigurable Availability 2 companies cell base stations NOW DoD NOW Allows Dynamic Spectrum allocation Need Hardware/Software Certification process Keep FCC involved in activities such as this GoG Talk to your congressman Need to get Press involved Is is a Device or Service business!!!! Computers are a device based business Telecommunications is a service based business Experimental licenses available proof of concept How do you wire a university? 802.11b in departments wired between departments Need other technologies for "rural areas" where long distance wireless used Brad Myers ******************************************** HCI at CMU Infrared not useful as aiming inconvenient 802.11 Bluetooth Use multiple devices together Multi machine user interfaces one user -- multiple input devices PowerPoint Controller Notes on PDA Timer on PDA PPT on Laptop Can annotate from PDA Classes Education Home Jornado plus Lucent wavelan from HP -- unpopular but donated Use in large 200 student classes CMU 802.11b throughout campus Wireless Andrew Test Generic Test Interface Test itself on PPT NOT on Test <------------------- IMPORTANT "Concept Test" is established methodology Instructor gets summary of answers and can show to class Cut and Paste via PDA between machines ------------------------------ Shared Display/Export --- Generalizes Generalized Shortcut (Interesting Collaboration primitive) <------ Control focus of applications to discover applications "hidden" Have shared display for full screen Use PDA as controller of PC Personalized view Person Annotation Slideshow Commander ** Commercialized ***** Bill Gates uses OLE implementation Notes on PDA Thumbnail on PDA Control demos from PDA Synergy Solutions 8.7 minutes lost per hour in any talk multicursor for many people accessing whiteboard PDA Chat Command Post of the Future Command and Control Hand Helds and Laser Pointers Personal Universal Controller Microwave <--> PDA interact to produce optimal interface Automate user interface design Interfaces for handicapped Muscular dystrophy Graphitti 20 words per minute GOOD rate Has protocols Do not support "Palmnet" Most of the time you are "not on the Go" rather you have arrived! Palm v CE Palm slower serial interface Palm lower resolution screen Palm programming easier if you not Windows experiences Software C and C++ Need line of Sight Looking at XML standards Jini Havy Firewire ??????? Palm m100 rugged designed for students jornado fragile Hughes 802.11 is miles if use right pigtail Put on our web site 45 megabits per second for Access Grid High Reliability Quick Installation Need line of Sight Western Multiplex 45 100 1000 Mbit options Ethernet management Interface Chose 100 mbit full duplex Worry about trees Gabriel Antenna 2 foot by 2 foot Hughes says should have used a spectrum analyser What about security Can register MAC addresses in 802.11 -- CMU does this Gilman Speech Recognition as a Grid service Alternative Interfaces with profile on your palm W3C device independence working group Total Conversation is a standards roadmap from telephony industry multimodal -- text video(sign language) audio T.140 SIP H.323 UDDI Initiative Need to go from ATM to Supercomputer access Need to preserve flexibity as to placement of service (client<-->server) Security <---- What about Peer to Peer User in Control e.g. CSS Stylesheets has User override winning NOT server Web Resource ../gog/ is General Education Bonnie Accessibility Al Access Hughes Interactive Resource Sheehan