Index of /sites/dsc/storage1/c3/shared/project/fox/raindance2/AprilMay01/heatherbackup3/hfox1/hfox/

ebook/                                             10-Jun-2001 20:50                   -
esseys/                                            10-Jun-2001 20:50                   -
peoms/                                             10-Jun-2001 20:50                   -
school/                                            10-Jun-2001 20:51                   -
storys/                                            10-Jun-2001 20:51                   -
writing help/                                      10-Jun-2001 20:51                   -
ESL.ZIP                                            10-Jun-2001 20:51               39417
Students with faces of disgust.doc                 10-Jun-2001 20:51               19968
ambassadors.lit                                    10-Jun-2001 20:51              574520
basic.ZIP                                          10-Jun-2001 20:51               32313
musesdownloadedhowto.pdf                           10-Jun-2001 20:51              964608
n2k-eng-unpacker.exe                               10-Jun-2001 20:51             3561620
pod_voditelstvom.jpg                               10-Jun-2001 20:51               93035
tulip1.jpg                                         10-Jun-2001 20:51                1812
wxbugsetupx261.exe                                 10-Jun-2001 20:51             2617800
~$udents with faces of disgust.doc                 10-Jun-2001 20:51                  54