Mega project emphasis IOE Distance Learning Metacomputing P-Tools Mesh Generation Linkage to ASCI Linkage CHSSI-PET Linkage to Computer Centers These are customers as well as warriors Multidisciplinary is motivation for next jump in performance (150 Tflop by 2006) Pentagon understands this as "real system" Didn't nderstand older 2D etc. generic research Jerry Clarke -- DICE is now part of ICE -- Namburu/Radha decide distribution SciViz: Marine Corps effort to visualize FMS $76K total from ARL -- ERDC plus CHSSI is additional Technology Tracking .net for FMS port WebHLA to .net claim .net gnu linux synergy ANDF relationship Multi-language Middleware C# C++ VB JScript C# is HP Java 2 versions of SPEEDES (Metron, RAM Labs) Metron HPC JSIMS not so HPC A lot of vaporware in JSIMS release IMT $323K (marginal talk) Dataminng on top of existing databases Need machine help as too much data IMT-3 CHSSI White Sands Paul Frederickson -- Accuracy Analysis Time Series Analysis held up by lack of availability of format Real Time needs Perkins/Mark PET is not a body shop SIP Lots of user and outside interest Netsolve but not Legion Training -- could re-use multiple requests Simulink -- also Mathworks Matlab Opportunity for training technology Simulink easier to parallelize than Mathlab Collaboration -- need to link to drawing tools Video Query Mathworks gets more money from security than parallelism 30 September Drop Dead Datefor billing Shahrouz Aliabadi -- Clark Atlanta Ship visualization and simulation Lance Kaplan SIP Quad Tree load imbalance James Whitney SIP Craig Scott Morgan State Visualization Add Haptic devices to DICE Shirley Moore Great Circle and Zerofault Web-based Training difficulty Globus Testbed -- running through GRD on Sun and SGI ------------------------------------------------ 2 Access Grids Director at Adelphi --> Troops @Aberdeen Third AG at Aberdeen Virtual Tour Aberdeen --> Adelphi Security Issues Wireless Networking Issues Adelphi <--> Aberdeen Multicast/DREN at Adelphi/ Overall Architectue Low hanging fruit Video Distribution Strategy Gateway using ANSYS John Vines Stephen Wilkerson Shared display for web displays of Machines in a uniform fashion Using PC Anywhere