TITLE: Computing Portals and the Grid Computing Environment INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Geoffrey Fox Indiana University LOCATION: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), Bldg. 8000 Training and Education Facility (TEF), Room 1055 Vicksburg, Mississippi TIME: ?????09:00-17:00 Central Time, Thursday, 16 August 2001 INSTRUCTION MODE: Lecture and hands-on laboratory. A broadcast of the course will also be available over the web. TARGET AUDIENCE: Potential users of computational portals and grids PREREQUISITES: Interest in the field. Experience with systems like web programming/development and the Globus toolkit helpful but not required. OVERVIEW: Grid computing environments such as computational web portals are being developed both within the DoD and in the high performance computing community at large. The primary purposes of these portals are to simplify the use of computational grid technologies such as Globus, provide an overlayer that binds both grid and non-grid resources, and makes grid and other distributed resources easily accessible to users through a web browser interface. This tutorial will present case studies of computational web portals and outline general capabilities and architectures. We will review relevant technologies such as JavaServer Pages, Java, HTML, and XML. The role of the latest standards efforts of the Global Grid Forum will be discussed. Class attendees will have the opportunity to write JSP pages to access computing resources. AGENDA: The follow topics will be covered during the tutorial 1. Introduction: What are computational grids and computational portals? 2. Globus toolkit overview and the role of grid portals 3. Portal case studies: Mississippi Computational Web Portal (MSU), HotPage (SDSC), Indiana NCSA Science Portal (IU), Gateway (ASC/ARL) 4. Overview of computational portal services 5. Grid Computing Environment activities 6. Introduction to web technologies (HTML, XML, Java, JSP) 7. Overview of WebFlow middleware and interfaces to standard services. 8. Installing and configuring third party software (Apache, Tomcat). 9. Building secure web portals and security issues. COURSE MATERIAL: Attendees will receive training materials in class. POINTS OF CONTACT: Further information may be obtained by contacting Wayne Mastin, 601-634-3063, mastin@wes.hpc.mil. REGISTRATION: All participants are required to register. To register, contact the ERDC MSRC HPC User Support by email at info-hpc@wes.hpc.mil or phone at 634-4400 option 1 or 1-800-500-HPCC with the following information. Online registration is available at http://www.wes.hpc.mil/training/schedule/schedule.htm. The class will be limited to 12 participants. Class Name _________________________________________ Your Name __________________________________________ Organization _______________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________ Citizenship ________________________________________ VISITOR INFORMATION: Visitors should report to the Public Affairs Office upon arrival at ERDC. Travel information, including a map of ERDC, directions, and lodging, may be found on the ERDC Web site at http://www.wes.hpc.mil/about_us/about.htm. Upon request, we will also send visitor information by mail. Foreign nationals are required to contact security (Linda McGowan) at 601-634-2776. Individuals who fail to satisfy security requirements will be denied access to the station. ________________ This training class is a Programming Environment and Training (PET) effort for the ERDC MSRC as a part of the DoD HPCMP contract to CSC/Nichols.