This memo addresses the difficulties in paying the curious mixture of people at Syracuse FSU and Indiana with money from FSU which expires Sept 30 2001 It is complicated as I think foreign students (bulk of people) must be paid from University were they are enrolled Below Symbolic Paramters are currently: --------------------------------------- $M1 is approximately $80K (Total of ASC and a bit of remaining ERDC) $M2 is approximately $189K $M2A = $148K $M2B = $41K $M3 = $121K I will continue to debate these with Cecilia to make exact ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on Cecelia's analysis I find $M1 = Dollars Currently available for use at IU NOW if Current Commitments A) B) C) D) E) Continue to be funded from FSU $M2 = Dollars currently assigned to A) B) C) D) E) through September 30 $M2A = Dollars naturally spent at FSU $M2B = Dollars naturally spent for 5 weeks C) and D) not funded by FSU $M2 = $M2A + $M2B A) Postdocs ------------- Ko Pierce Carpenter These could most easily be kept as FSU employees until Sept 30 and switch on date to IU employment. They will be paid from IU as IU employees after that date. B) FSU PhD Students ------------------- Ozgur Balsoy Jake Kim Han-Ku Lee Sangmi Lee Sang Boem Lim Sangyoon Oh Assuming Kang-Seok Kim transfers to IU These can be paid by FSU (including all fees and tuition for semester) through September 30 We need a subcontract IU to FSU after that. C) Potential Fall IU students currently paid by FSU --------------------------------------------------- Kang-Seok Kim Xi Rao Mustafa Varank These need to be paid from IU as of start of Fall Semester which starts later at IU than FSU. I will assume we pay 5 weeks from IU in period throught September 30. D) Syracuse PhD Students continuing into Fall 01 Semester at Syracuse and currently funded by FSU ----------------------------- Hasan Bulut Gurhan Gunduz Xiaohong Qiu Ahmet Uyar Minjun Wang Choon-Han Youn E) Special Case Syracuse PhD Students currently funded by FSU Shrideep Pallickara -- graduating Meryem Ispirli -- American Citizen and can be legally paid by FSU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I deduce we should immediately start on a subcontract from FSU to IU in amount $M3 = approximately $M1+$M2B to be paid from ASC and IU funds We should start negotiating a subcontract from IU to Syracuse for those in D) who will all in be residence at IU. So some sort of Syracuse off campus rate for overehead is reasonable Maybe FSU could send us copy of FSU to Syracuse contract for Spring 2001 I will 1) Ask Syracuse Students how much tuition they need -- it is not so much 2) See what time leeway we have in case of Syracuse where problem is Immigration rules combined with "automatic" health coverage 3) Ask Sponsors to be kind Perhaps FSU Could decide Monday the sequence of events and needed documents I can write a SoW and Budget for $M3